Friday 1 July 2011


Click on dates to open pictures directly.

Sunday 26th June
Keeled Skimmers, Silver Washed Fritillaries, Swallows, Starlings, Norfolk Birders etc.
Saturday 25th June Lapwings, Wagtails, Privet Hawkmoth.
Sunday 19th June
Saturday 18th June Caspian Tern, Common Tern etc.
Friday 17th June Red-footed Falcon, Honing Lock.
Thursday 16th June Red-footed Falcon, Meadow Pipits, Chiffchaff, Skylark etc plus Roller drop in site!
Sunday 12th June Red-footed Falcon, insects, peacock etc.
Saturday 11th June Bordered Straw and other moths, sedge warbler, spoonsbills, arty farty pics and posing redshank.
Monday 6th June Sedge Warbler, Common Whitethroat.
Sunday 5th June Gannets, butterflies, flowers.
Saturday 4th June - Common Whitethroat, Sand Martin, Chaffinch, Tiger Beetle, Gannets, Little Gull.
Friday 3rd June Kiss FM
Thursday 2nd June Marsh Warbler, Reed Bunting, Banded Demoiselle, Red-eyed Damselfly, Broad-bodied Chaser, Norfolk Hawker, Four spotted Chaser, moths, Swallowtails etc.
Wednesday 1st June Avocets, Grey Wagtail, Redshank, Shelduck, Oystercatcher etc.
Wednesday 1st June - New HBO Warden!
Saturday 28th May - Jed Andrew's leaving presentation bash! Little Egret and Chinese Water Deer.
Friday 27th May Chiffchaff, Foxgloves, Swallow, Shelduck, Black tailed Godwits, Little Gull.
Tuesday 24th May Bonaparte's Gull etc?, Speckled Wood and Carrion Crow with Starling and youtube video of walk at Cley.
Monday 23rd May Rosefinch, Swift, Sandwich Tern, Swallow, Little Ringed Plover, Little Egret.
Sunday 22nd May Landscapes at Ringstead.

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