Wednesday 14 September 2011

A Lazy Day!!!

Cley Coastguards - 8am

2 Manx Shearwaters, 1 Red throated Diver and not alot else! Beautiful morning though. Tested out my new steel, sea watching step that I bought yesterday - a very good buy and should last a lifetime! 2 Wheatears along Beach Road as we left

Had to go into Holt to do some errands, got a birthday card for a friend and then went into 'Larners' of Holt - what an amazing shop - lots of scumptious, specialist foods!

Coastguards - snooze! late Lunch.

Daukes Hide, NWT - 5pm
Tons of Greylags, Canada Geese, 3 Barnacle Geese, 3 Pink footed Geese, a good number of Ruffs.

Teal Hide, NWT
Hobby scattering everything at 5.53pm. Several Pied Wagtails and 2 Yellow Wagtails, one of which landed on the fence wire at the same time as a Goldfinch was also sitting on the wire, feeding a juv.

Cley Coastguards - With ETM and AJ.
Eddie got me all excited when he thought he had a Leach's very distantly on the horizon, but turned out to be a Swift at 7.05pm! A bar-tailed godwit flew west with several oystercatchers. 2 Dunlin flew west. 1 Red throated Diver westt, 1 Bonxie and 2 Manx Shearwaters west.

Hope it livens up tomorrow!


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