Thursday 15 September 2011

Searching for Passerines!!!

Gramborough Hill - 8.50am
Beautiful morning, but chilly. A stonechat perched on the brambles, but nothing else skulking in here.

Kingfisher in North Drain, as we left along Beach Road. Also kestrel, linnets, goldfinches.

Walsey Hills NOA - 9.43am
3 rats by feeders and a few hedge sparrows. Of note were 32 Pink footed Geese flying south east. Along the centre track a good number of birds including male and female blackcaps, chaffinches, common whitethroat, chiffchaffs, a single goldcrest and a few robins.

Cley NWT Visitor Centre - teabreak!

Trimmingham - Scout Hut - 1pm

Parked by the church and walked past the hut on the left side and up the cliff edge. Sadly nothing at all.

Trimmingham Clifftop Wood - 1.20pm
1 Chiffchaff, blackbird, wren, robin.

Overstrand - Cliff Top Cafe for lunch - 2pm
Cranberry Nut Roast with vegetables. Would not really recommend this cafe, vegetables overdone, nut roast just tasted of sage and dogs were allowed to sit in the cafe!! Nice sea view though of where the Albatross was seen!

An amusing notice in the cafe read:

Beeston Bump - 4.15pm
Nothing here apart from a couple of blackbirds feeding on blackberries and a few hedge sparrows sitting in the hedge.

Walsey Hills NOA- 5.45pm
Several chiffchaffs and chaffinches, less birds in here overall than our visit this morning.

Coastguards, Cley

See next post!!!!!!


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