Tuesday 12 February 2013

Bird News!

Main Highlights in Norfolk - RBA
Golden Pheasant x 2 at Wolverton
Shag, Great White Egret at Norwich
Great White Egret at Bowthorpe
Black-bellied Dipper at Thetford
Green-winged Teal at Breydon Water
Bewick's Swans x 272, Whooper Swans x 5 at Catfield Fen
Taiga Bean Geese x 30 at Buckingham Marshes RSPB
Ross's Goose (esc.), Barnacle Geese x 6, Pink-footed Geese x 250, Common Cranes x 4 at Horsey
Black Brant at Holkham
Waxwing at Wymondham
Rough-legged Buzzard at Burnham Overy Staithe
Waxwing x 30 at Attleborough
Rough-legged Buzzard x 2, Short-eared Owl x 2, Water Pipit, Bewick's Swan x 4, Ruddy Shelduck at Haddiscoe Island
Scaup at Salhouse Broad
Common Crane x 4, Short-eared Owl at Hickling Broad
Waxwings x 21 at Norwich
Waxwings x 7 at Great Yarmouth

Stinking cold – feel like death.


  1. This works for me when I have a cold. Its best taken as soon as the tickle starts.

  2. Thanks Nigel but when I cut and paste your link, nothing comes up?

  3. Look for Kaloba at H&B. Its made with Pelargonium root extract.
