Wednesday 13 February 2013


Lost 0.5lbs.    Total loss so far 12.5lbs

The same as last week, half a pound. I have now found out why I am not losing as much as I should be and am very annoyed that all the correct information regarding the pro-points was not given to me when I started with Weightwatchers. I bought the calculator which converts protein, carbs, fat and fibre in 'pro-points' and presumed I was doing everything correctly but eg a 40g slice of Hovis, medium brown bread works out as 2 'pro-points', so one would be presume that two slices would be 4 'pro-points' – wrong, it is in fact 5 'pro-points'!!! NOW I know, fully what I need to be doing. BUT I was so cross, I rebelled and this evening I had fish 'n' chips, 2 oat bars and a ginger pudding and sauce. Scrumptious!!! Then I worked out all the points, which means I now only have 7 'extra' points for next week! I don't know why I bothered to be honest, as I couldn't even really taste the fish 'n' chips – since developing this nasty head cold, all foods have been tasteless. Although I could taste the ginger pudding!

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