Wednesday 15 May 2013

Norfolk Bird News etc!

Main Highlights – RBA
Glaucous Gull at Kelling
Little Stint, Little Gull, Red-crested Pochard at Titchwell RSPB
Whinchat at Cley
Manx Shearwater at Trimmingham
Manx Shearwaters x 23 at Overstrand

Other News:
RED-FOOTED FALCON remains at RSPB Lakenheath Fen, Suffolk.

A dire day, weather and birdwise. I choose a good day to rest after yesterday and edit photos all day! I still have to edit and add photos for 11th and 13th May. Tomorrow looks like an excellent day with East winds and sunshine. A dawn 'til dusk day again I think (possibly)!

Weather for Thursday:

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