Thursday 16 May 2013

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
PALLID/Hen Harrier, Osprey, Montagu's Harrier 1s, Blue-headed Wagtails x 3 at Cley
Montagu's Harrier 1s at Morston
Osprey at Salthouse
Wood Warbler at East Wretham Heath NWT
Spoonbills at Breydon Water, Berney Marshes RSPB, Burgh Castle, Welney WWT
Montagu's Harrier at Acle and Buckingham Marshes RSPB (yesterday)
Curlew Sandpiper at Breydon Water
Pied Flycatcher at Trimmingham
Temminck's Stint (yesterday) at Beetley Gravel Pit (new workings)
Winchat, Spoonbills x 2 at Warham Greens
Black Redstart on the Blakeney Hotel
RED-BREASTED FLYCATCHER female at The Plantation, Blakeney Point
Honey Buzzard at Swanton Novers

Other Bird News
RED-FOOTED FALCON remains at Lakenheath Fen RSPB, Suffolk.

Good photo/finding opportunities today, no sun over the following few days! South east veering east later today – off to find some birds, hopefully.

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