Tuesday 22 October 2013

Holiday & More News!

Pictures now added to the 19th October:

An account of the Red-flanked Bluetail at Warham and an apology – scroll down to 'UPDATE'!

On holiday again, as from now!!! Four day's of birding and then at work all day Sunday on a 'bank' double shift and then back to work on Monday. I'm hoping very much that I find a mega (I wish) or at least someone else does, before darkness falls on Saturday PLEASE! Siberian Rubythroat at East Hills or Burnham Overy Dunes maybe? I'm a bit fed-up with walking Blakeney Point at the moment (did I really just say that!?)

I'm going to have to include driving to Watton to 'Advanced Camera Services Ltd' at some point in my mini break as they need to look at the exact 'diaphragm' that is required for my Canon 300 f4 lens. I need a new one apparently, which is why I keep getting lens error messages coming up. I can only use the camera/lens on f4 at the moment, which is not exactly helpful! The lens has never been right since I got the whole thing wet at Burnham Overy Dunes in a massive fall of birds and rain a while back! I'm not giving them the camera to fix until October is out of the way though – there is no way I can be without my camera in October – potentially the 'hottest' month of the year for 'rares'!!!

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