Tuesday 22 October 2013

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
White-rumped Sandpiper, Little Stints x 6, Curlew Sandpipers x 4 at Snettisham RSPB
Shorelarks x 3, Snow Buntings x 27, Velvet Scoters x 5 at Winterton
PALLID SWIFT at north side of the village, Winterton
Tree Pipit at Wells Woods
Shorelark, Long-tailed Ducks x 5, Hen Harriers x 2, Slavonian Grebes x 4, Red-necked Grebes x 2,  Great Northern Divers x 2, Snow Buntings x 6, Little Stint at Titchwell RSPB
Black Redstart at Sheringham
Yellow-browed Warbler (at 'Natural Surroundings'), Black Redstart (at 'Cleyspy') at Glandford
Long-tailed Ducks x 2, Black-throated Diver, Red-necked Grebe, Slavonian Grebes x 3, Arctic Skua at Holme NOA
Crossbills x 6 at Happisburgh
Curlew Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank at Breydon Water
Shorelarks x 3, Arctic Terns x 3 at Hopton-on-Sea
ROSE-COLOURED STARLING remains at Caister-on-Sea
Lapland Bunting at Hunstanton
Black Redstart, Firecrests x 2 at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Caspian Gulls x 2 at Cley NWT

Other News
MEGA!!! SIBERIAN RUBYTHROAT remains on Fair Isle!
MEGA! ISABELLINE WHEATEAR at Patrington Haven, Yorkshire!

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