Monday 29 September 2014


Got a taxi to GP today who has signed me off work for a while – she explained that ligament damage can take longer to heal than a break and to rest as much as possible in these early days especially – after all, its only a week today since my accident.  I couldn't get up the stairs (with crutches) to the GP's clinic, good job they had a lift! A work colleague very kindly gave me a lift home. Booked a physio appointment this week at the hospital. So, doing all I can at the moment. Re-scheduled several appointments and stuff I was supposed to be doing.

Raining here all afternoon, surprised birders didn't find more than they did today with easterly winds and rains, mind you not east for long enough I suppose and less people out birding in the week. Robins, Great Tit and a Blackbird in my garden today. Nothing else interesting to report!

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