Monday 29 September 2014


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
DUSKY WARBLER, Yellow-browed Warbler at Wells Woods.
Spoonbills x 8 at Warham Greens.
Spoonbills x 6 at Burnham Overy Staithe.
Jack Snipes x 2 near 'Little Eye' at Salthouse.
Common Cranes x 37 at Waxham.
Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Spotted Redshanks x 4, Little Stint at Titchwell RSPB.
SERIN in reedbed near East Bank carpark at Cley NWT.
Jack Snipe on Pat's Pool, Cley NWT.
Dark-breasted Barn Owl, possible at Burgh Castle Marshes.

Suffolk, Cambs, South Lincs Main News & More!
Glossy Ibis at Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshire.
Red-backed Shrike at Ness Point carpark at Lowestoft, Suffolk.
Great White Egret, Black-necked Grebes x 2 at Minsmere RSPB, Suffolk.
Black-necked Grebe at Little Paxton Pits, Cambridgeshire.
Great White Egrets x 5 at Nene Washes RSPB, Cambridgeshire.

MEGA! MYRTLE WARBLER, early morning only, Pool of Virkie, Shetland.
MEGA! WHITE'S THRUSH, North of Loch of Brow at Durigarth, Shetland.
MEGA! MASKED SHRIKE Juv, still at Kilnsea, Spurn, Yorkshire.
MEGA! SNOWY OWL, Ben Macdui, Aberdeen, Scotland.

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