Thursday 29 October 2015

Lazy Day!

I had full intentions of going birding, but the day didn't exactly work out as I had planned at all. I started the day by making a massive batch of lentil and vegetable soup and then headed into town to get a couple of chores done. Went to my parents to deliver some of my soup to my Mother and sat with them for a while. Father was in a grumpy mood and wouldn't let me help him with anything. He was wearing his shorts today with blanket over his knees and a hot water bottle – makes no sense whatsoever!!!

I have never known a day to disappear so fast. Drove up to Choseley and watched 9 Red-legged Partridges in a field and one Hare. A party of Long-tailed Tits flitted along the hedge line. Ended the day sitting in the car at Brancaster Staithe Quay watching tons of Gulls, Brent Geese, Turnstone, Curlews, several Little Egrets and Pied Wagtails. I got lucky when I was scanning the mud flats with a flash of turquoise zooming past – a Kingfisher!

I was so tired driving home, I had a job to keep awake and feel unusually exhausted this evening. A big thank to all of you that have very kindly emailed me over the last few days – much appreciated, sorry I have not had time to reply properly yet.

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