Thursday 29 October 2015


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Rough-legged Buzzard north of Docking.
Rough-legged Buzzard, Jack Snipe, Spotted Redshank x 7, Twite x 3 at Titchwell RSPB.
Hen Harrier at Thornham Point.
LESSER YELLOWLEGS, AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER juv still, Spotted Redshanks x 2 viewed from South Wall at Breydon Water.
Velvet Scoter at Weybourne.
Short-eared Owl north of Nelson Head Track, Horsey.
Great White Egret, Rough-legged Buzzard, Hen Harrier at Holkham.
Firecrest at Great Yarmouth Cemetery.
Snow Bunting one mile west of Cley car park at Blakeney Point.
Short-eared Owl at North end of East Bank at Cley NWT.
Red-necked Grebe, Great Northern Diver, Velvet Scoter, Short-eared Owl at Kelling.
Snow Buntings x 2 at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse.
Rough-legged Buzzard, Ring Ouzels x 2, Slavonian Grebe, Hen Harrier, Long-tailed Duck, Short-eared Owl at Holme.
Black Redstart at Overstrand.

Suffolk Highlights
PENDULINE TIT heard only at Minsmere RSPB.

Lincolnshire Highlights
PALLID HARRIER juv. from Wash Viewpoint at Gibraltar Point NNR.

MEGA! CHESTNUT BUNTING still between Holland Farm + track to Knap of Howar, mid afternoon at Papa Westray, Orkney.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL probable at St Mary's, Isles of Scilly.

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