Thursday 31 December 2015


My Mother phoned me at 2.30am this morning as she was at her wits end – Father refused to stay in bed and said he wasn't tired. She couldn't leave him half in and half out of bed. Even when he did get back in bed, he refused to have any bed clothes/blankets over him – he was shouting and being completely unreasonable, but not his fault he has got into this state poor man. Mother gave up in the end and went upstairs to bed. All was well when I phoned this morning before work.

I have been at work all day and then spent early evening collecting prescriptions from GP, re-fuelling car, food shopping, fish 'n' chips and then collapsed at home! Torrential rain here early evening, but dry now. The Aurora is supposed to be visible from Norfolk tonight, but too exhausted to leave the house. My New Year's Eve has been very quiet, aside from all the fireworks going off.

Looking forward to going birding tomorrow. The weather looks ok for New Year's Day!

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