Wednesday 18 May 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Little Stint, Spoonbills x 2 at Titchwell RSPB.
Hen Harrier flew west over SE end of Wiveton Downs.
Great White Egrets x 2 on North Wall Marshes at Breydon Water.
Whinchat at Weybourne Camp.
Garganey at Buckenham Marshes RSPB.
Garganey at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB.
TURTLE DOVES x 2 singing at Reedham.
Spoonbills x 2 on The Serpentine at Cley NWT.
TURTLE DOVE at Choseley Drying Barns.

Cambridgeshire Highlights
GREAT REED WARBLER still, singing at Paxton Pits NR at Little Paxton.

MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN at Hayle Estuary RSPB, Cornwall!!!
MEGA! GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO at Reap Lane, Portland, Dorset.

MEGA! SNOWY OWL on Bryher, Isles of Scilly.
MEGA! ELEONORA'S FALCON pale morph, (probable) between Alnwick and South Charlton, Northumberland.
MEGA! BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS probable, reported from boat off Inner Farne, Farne Islands, Northumberland.

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