Wednesday 18 May 2016

Thank You!

Thank you immensely for all the very supportive comments and wonderful emails I have received yesterday and today over a number of issues and life in general. They are very much appreciated and help me to stay strong. I was quite aghast at the number of kind emails I have received, cheered me up no end!

Had a chilled 'me' time in the hairdressers this evening, which helped me to relax. It's going to be busy all week! Back to the care home tomorrow after work, to go through a 'Care Plan' for my father. Taxi x 2 to Lucy on Friday night for her concert rehearsals. Saturday and Sunday I will be at the Norfolk Bird & Wildlife Fair with two weeks off work – can't wait!


  1. Hi Penny. Your care and compassion for your Father is wonderful to read about. He is so lucky to have you as his daughter. We are going to the birdfair too so if we see you we will say Hi. Bridget and Graham from Lowestoft.

  2. Thank you Bridget and Graham so much. Enjoy the bird fair!
