Monday 12 December 2016

Christmas Festivities!

My Mother wanted a real Christmas tree, so off I went to find one at a reasonable price – my goodness, I couldn't believe how much it costs to buy a tree now! I couldn't find a 4ft tree anywhere under £35.00! I bought one from the Sandringham Saw Mill in the end – took ages choosing one that was a nice shape. I also bought a metal base that holds water, to keep the tree going a bit longer.

Delivered tree to Mother's and took a while to re-arrange things to make room for the tree. Mother said she couldn't face decorating the tree, so I did it – it looks fantastic, even though I say so myself! Mother has lots of wonderful decorations, which she has had since we were children – its funny how these familiar decorations bring back so many happy childhood memories – the shiny gold bird who has now lost his legs, who I balanced on some tinsel, the two little ghomes with their felt hats leaning against a snow covered fir cone and so on.

We visited Father later, which was not a good visit at all. He was in a real state, very confused, shouting and distressed and didn't really seem aware that we were there. Father did eat some chocolates though! Vivien's birthday blanket was still missing – it must be somewhere in the house! Still didn't get to go birding this weekend – not good at all.

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