Monday 12 December 2016

Virus and Another Puncture!

Summerville Care Home phoned me late this afternoon to say that Father had had the doctor out to him this morning as he had a temperature – the GP stated that he had a 'virus', but the care home manager said he was eating ok today. I knew something wasn't right last night.

Yesterday I had a message flash up on my car, saying that I had reduced pressure in my rear left tyre. Took the car to the garage after work this evening, to find out I had ANOTHER screw embedded in the tyre (this happened not long ago) and guess what – this tyre was a brand new one that had to replace the last tyre that could not be repaired from an embedded screw! Can you believe this has happened in the same rear left tyre!!! The garage put the spare tyre on for me and I went home. Tomorrow I have to take the car to the garage again – they are going to see if they can repair my 'new' tyre, but it may not be possible because of where it is and if so I will have to buy another new tyre!!! All because someone lazy has left screws lying around – thanks, you've cost me either £25.00 for repair or £150+!!! Not a happy bunny!

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