Monday 1 May 2017

Holkham, Wells and Choseley!

 Along the coast path between Holkham and Wells

I started the day with my first run of the second week for COUCH TO 5K and managed it pretty well with no problems, although I am getting bored of my running route – once I start running further, I am going to find a more scenic place to run.

May 1st kicks off with a Red-footed Falcon at Choseley Drying Barns and another seen at Kelling – I didn't see either though. I decided to walk somewhere different for a change and headed to Holkham.
Along the coast path between Holkham and Wells

I parked at Lady Anne's Drive at Holkham and paid £3.00 for 2 hours parking – its £7.00 for the entire day. It was a cold north east wind and gloomy skies – I headed east to Wells. I saw very little, in fact it was almost birdless! I had one Chiffchaff and one Blackcap calling for the entire walk! At the drinking pool at Wells, there were nothing to see at all. I sat by the pool and had a coffee and then returned. There were more dogs than birds – very sad state of affairs. Bird of the day was a Cuckoo bounding over the path and across the marsh, calling. Back at my car a Mistle Thrush was collecting food on the marsh and there were Greylag and Egyptian Geese. Very poor birding today.
Along the coast path between Holkham and Wells

I headed to Choseley Drying Barns were I saw Yellowhammers, Goldfinches, Pied Wagtail, Grey and Red-legged Partridges, Magpies, Wood Pigeons, a Marsh Harrier and Swallows. See my previous post with advice at Choseley Drying Barns. Beautiful sunset this evening.

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