Monday 1 May 2017


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Arctic Terns x 4, Spoonbill, Spotted Redshanks x 4 at Breydon Water
Common Cranes x 2 flew SE over Thornham
Common Cranes x 2 flew east over Hunstanton and Holme
Common Crane in field south of entrance, Spoonbill, Ring Ouzels x 4, Turtle Dove at Holme NWT
Turtle Dove, Garganey, Spoonbill, Velvet Scoters x 29 at Titchwell RSPB
Savi's Warbler singing at Heigham Corner, Black Terns x 2, Spoonbills x 2, Little Stint at Rush Hill Scrape, Black Terns x 6 from Weavers' Way, Black Terns x 13, Common Cranes x 3 from observation hut, Ring Ouzel at Hickling Broad NWT
Turtle Dove at Snettisham Coastal Park
Curlew Sandpipers x 3 at Snettisham RSPB
Glossy Ibis, Bar-tailed Godwits x 5 at Hockwold Washes, Lakenheath RSPB
RED-FOOTED FALCON 1s Female on wires, Common Cranes x 2 flew west over Choseley Drying Barns
Ring Ouzels x 3 flew over Golf Course at Sheringham
Wood Sandpiper on freshmarsh at Blakeney
Shorelark at Halfway House, Blakeney Point
Black Terns x 5, Little Gull yesterday at Thorpe Marshes
Osprey flew east over Sparham Pools, Lyng
Ring Ouzels x 3 at Waxham
Ring Ouzels x 4 at North Dunes, Winterton
Spoonbills x 3, Little Stints x 4, Spotted Redshank, Garganey, Wood Sandpiper at Potter Heigham Marshes
RED-FOOTED FALCON Male flew south over Kelling Heath & Kelling Quags
Great White Egrets x 3 flew over Kelling Water Meadows
Osprey flew west over Kelling
Black-winged Stilts x 3 (2 males) on Lady Fen, Great White Egret, Garganey at Welney WWT
Pallid Harrier ringtail, probable flew east over Glandford
Ring Ouzels x 4 at Horsey Gap
Common Crane flew south over North Elmham
Temminck's Stint on Simmonds' Scrape from Daukes' Hide, Great White Egrets x 3 flew east at Cley NWT
Ring Ouzels x 5, Great White Egret, Spoonbills x 3 at Burnham Overy Dunes
Common Cranes x 2 flew over Brancaster
Montagu's Harrier or Pallid Harrier flew SE over Incleborough Hill, West Runton
Wood Sandpiper, Arctic Terns x 4, Bar-tailed Godwits x 7 at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Arctic Terns x 6 at Whitlingham Country Park
PALLID HARRIER probable, at Blunt's Corner, New Holkham
RED-FOOTED FALCON flew east over Gramborough Hill, Salthouse
Ring Ouzel at Weybourne Camp
Osprey flew south over Muckleburgh Hill
White Stork flew over Pensthorpe Waterfowl Park
White Stork flew east over Horstead
Black Tern at Colney Gravel Pits


For 3rd day – potentially a First for Britain!
North Ronaldsay, Orkney

Probable, in Nordy Wood, Cape Clear Island, County Cork, Ireland

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