Tuesday 26 December 2017


 Me at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse

I felt exhausted, so didn't get out as early as I would have liked, which was a shame as the sun was out and it was a lovely day. Drove to Cley Visitor Centre NWT to collect something that wasn't there, but had lunch and enjoyed the views over the marshes. It was nice to bump into Duncan and Peter here – the VC was very busy. Duncan pointed out a very nice book in the shop called 'Birds New to Science', which looked fabulous and the paper quality was mint – a bit too expensive for me to buy though at £45.00.

I was overjoyed to find that 4G has landed in Cley and I had a phone signal – my phone is normally completely dead here!!! Had a lovely walk to Gramborough Hill at Salthouse, but didn't even see a Stonechat. I felt so tired, I struggled to drive home and had to resort to keeping the window open – I should never have left my house today. Re-heated the remains of Christmas dinner in the evening and watched 'Little Women'. Back to work tomorrow.

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