Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Chilled Birding at Holme Reserves!

(possibly of an eastern form)
I spent all day at Holme Reserves and didn't see a huge amount of birds. I sat in my car for quite some time, waiting for the presumed Eastern Lesser Whitethroat to appear in the NOA car park – luckily it did a few times, but too far away for mint pictures. Met a lovely lady called Liz, who follows my blog and two more blog followers – lovely to meet you all. Bumped into Robin Jolliffe, (who lives along the Firs Road) who recently had a Yellow-browed Warbler in his garden.

Other birds seen: one Swallow flying west, Cetti's Warbler heard, several Great Tits, Coal Tit, Blue Tit, Robins, Willow Warbler, Stonechat, Common Buzzard, Kestrel, Little Egret, Black-tailed Godwits, Greylag Geese, Redshanks and lots of ducks, Coots and Little Grebes on the Broadwater. Quite a lot of cars on both NOA and NWT car parks, but an increase in birders I noted – makes a nice change!



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Yellow-browed Warbler, Great White Egret flew over at Beeston Common, Sheringham
Curlew Sandpiper at Breydon Water
Hawfinches x 2 flew over Sidestrand
Baltic Gull juv. possible, (nominate form fuscus, unringed) this afternoon, Red-backed Shrike 1w on Thornham Marsh, Rose-coloured Starling juv. (possible) flew over early morning, Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Purple Sandpipers x 4, Snow Buntings x 2, Caspian Gulls x 2 at Titchwell RSPB
Yellow-browed Warbler along Gypsy Lane at Titchwell
Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzels x 2 flew over, Spoonbills x 11 on salt marsh at Stiffkey
Scaup juv. on pond near caravan park, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Pied Flycatcher at Wells Woods
Great White Egrets x 2, Great Northern Diver flew past beach car park at Cley
Great White Egret, Lapland Buntings x 3, Short-eared Owl at Cley NWT
Blue-headed Wagtail at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Black Terns x 2 at Hockwold Washes, Lakenheath
Yellow-browed Warbler at Garden Drove, Warham Greens
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Pied Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, Spotted Redshanks x 2, Snow Buntings x 2 at Holme NOA
Yellow-browed Warbler in horse paddocks in village at Holme
Cattle Egrets x 2, Great White Egrets x 4 at Welney WWT
Lapland Buntings x 3, Woodlarks x 2 flew over Hunstanton
Yellow-browed Warblers x 4 at Winterton Dunes
Arctic Tern at Kelling Water Meadows
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Pied Flycatcher at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Caspian Gull at Beach Road, Salthouse
Great Northern Diver flew past Weybourne
Yellow-browed Warbler at Weybourne Camp
Yellow-browed Warbler at Waxham
Great White Egret at Blakeney Freshmarsh
Lapland Buntings x 3, Great Northern Diver, Short-eared Owl at Scolt Head Island NNR
Caspian Gulls x 3 at Cromer
Cattle Egrets x 4 at Burnham Overy Marshes
Yellow-browed Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA
Ring Ouzel west of harbour at Blakeney
Spoonbills x 7 at Brancaster Staithe
Lapland Bunting at Thornham Point
Cattle Egrets x 6 at Upper Street Marshes, Horning
Yellow-browed Warbler at Pigneys Wood, North Walsham
In garden at Burravoe, Yell, Shetland
Budle Point at Budle Bay, Northumberland
Inishbofin, County Galway, Ireland
ENE of Crail at Kilminning, Fife, Scotland
Birsay, Orkney
Probable, between Bigton and Ireland, Shetland

Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Raining Birds?

Not quite! 😞
Stiffkey Cliff Top Wood
Rained for most of the day, but the sun came out late afternoon. I decided to start my search at the cliff top wood at Stiffkey Campsite – there had been a Red-breasted Flycatcher found here yesterday and I was hoping it might still be here – it wasn't! A Green Woodpecker bounded past me, a Pied Wagtail was on the ploughed field and I saw a Blue Tit and a Robin. Found 4 Spoonbills north of the wood on the saltmarsh and that was it. Light rain and gloomy conditions. Memories came flooding back of a Red-flanked Bluetail that I twitched here after work on Tuesday 23rd October 2012 – crazy night, also in gloomy conditions due to fading light! Ambled back to my car and headed for Wells Woods.
Wells Woods

Very poor birding at Wells. Only a handful of Goldcrests amongst the dripping sycamore leaves, Chaffinches, a Jay and nothing else of note. Searched hard in The Dell for the recent Red-breasted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warblers, none found – I was glad I had my wellingtons on, as it was very flooded in this area. Headed to the drinking pool and the glade just west of there and sat in the wet grass to wait for something colourful and exciting to appear – best I found was a red toadstool!🤣 Bumped into Chris M. on the walk back, who had seen 2 Yellow-browed Warblers in The Dell, after I had been there, typical! Couldn't go back to look, as ticket was about to run out, ok it had run out!

Where to end my day? After the pager highlighted there was a Lesser Whitethroat, that was a probable 'eastern form' (love these) at Holme, I headed west. Driving along the Firs Road to the NOA car park produced several LBJ's diving in hawthorns and a Kestrel was perched on a bush. I saw and heard more birds this evening at Holme than I did all day, but to be fair, the sun coming out probably helped! Parked up on the NOA car park. With helpful directions from Gary E., I searched for the Lesser Whitethroat and luckily found it flitting around a hawthorn bush (with a Kestrel perched on top) on the west side of the car park, along the path to the NWT hides, so couldn't get any closer for any pictures, as NWT closes at 5pm – exasperating!
A Song Thrush was perched in the hawthorn on the east side of the boardwalk path to the car park hide and a Chiffchaff was flitting around too. I tried to turn the Song Thrush into something rarer, but it remained a Song Thrush! 4 Stonechats were also around the car park and a skein of Pink-footed Geese flew over. Little Grebe, Gadwalls, lots of Coots and Mallards were on the Broadwater. Now for the Blyth's Reed Warbler.......! Just as I left the car park area and walked past the NWT car park, I found a cracking Pied Flycatcher in the small sycamore, on the right hand side of the track, just before the Firs House – lifted my camera up to take a picture and it duly vanished!

Walked along the main bank to the observatory, where I saw several Robins, a Wren and heard a Cetti's Warbler. Bumped into Andy B. and wife, who were also looking for the Blyth's Reed Warbler – no luck with that at all. Tawny Owl called in the pines! Scanned the sycamore tree by the pond in front of observatory, but no Yellow-browed Warblers to be found. So glad to see this tree is getting a bit bigger, from when it had a dramatic trim a few years back! Ambled back to my car in the setting sun and saw a Marsh Harrier over the marsh and returned home.


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Blyth's Reed Warbler, retrapped, Lesser Whitethroat (probably of an eastern form), Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Spotted Redshank at Holme NOA
Pied Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Great White Egret at Holme Dunes NWT
Greenish Warbler, Siberian Chiffchaff, Yellow-browed Warblers x 5 at South Dunes, Great White Egret flew over North Dunes at Winterton
Red-backed Shrike 1w at Wells Woods
Great White Egret at North Point Pools, Wells
Pale-bellied Brent Goose off harbour at Wells
Spoonbills x 4 on salthmarsh at Stiffkey
Yellow-browed Warbler west of campsite car park at Stiffkey
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Pied Flycatcher at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Black Redstart at pier, Gorleston-on-Sea
Red-backed Shrike 1w, Yellow-browed Warbler, Lapland Buntings x 4, Spoonbills x 14, Great White Egret, Purple Sandpipers x 4, Snow Bunting at Titchwell RSPB
Yellow-browed Warbler, Hen Harrier flew over Walsey Hills NOA
Grey Phalarope, Little Gull flew past beach car park at Cley
Hen Harrier at Cley NWT
Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzel at Waxham
Yellow-browed Warbler in cemetery at Caister-on-Sea
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3 at Warham Greens
Grey Phalaropes x 3 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Curlew Sandpiper, Lapland Buntings x 3 at Snettisham RSPB
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at Holkham Pines
Hen Harrier male, Short-eared Owls x 2 at Blakeney
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
In garden at Burravoe, Yell, Shetland
Budle Point at Budle Bay, Northumberland
Flew past Hurlstone Point, Somerset & Bristol


Burravoe, Yell, Shetland – breaking news from Rare Bird Alert!!!

In sycamores in back garden of house at Burravoe.

Discussion here:

Best pictures so far: here, here, here, here and here
Massive congratulations to finder Dougie Preston!
Previous records:
  • 1995 at St Kilda 20th September.
  • 1982 Orkney 5th to 7th September.
  • 1975 Fair Isle 24th September.
  • 1975 Fair Isle 6th to 20th September.

Monday, 28 September 2020

Garden Drove, Warham Greens & East Hills, Wells!

 East Hills, Wells

Garden Drove, Warham Greens 

I had a few essential jobs to do this morning, so didn't get out until the afternoon. Headed east and parked up on the concrete pad at Garden Drove, Warham Greens. The hedge-lined track was alive with birds! Two Great Spotted Woodpeckers, one of which I heard knocking on a dead tree stump, before I saw it,  Blue Tits, Great Tits, also Chaffinches, Goldfinches, several Goldcrests feeding amongst the sycamore leaves, a Chiffchaff, Blackbirds, several Robins, Hedge Sparrows x 2, Wren, Redwing, male Blackcap and the best bird I found was a Redstart along the fieldside of the hedge, just west of the end of Garden Drove (where the Brown Shrike was). Nothing of note in the copse at the north end though – no bluetails! Another birder kindly pointed out a Yellow-browed Warbler to me, approximately half way along the track, lovely views but sadly didn't get a photo.

East Hills, Wells
I was very excited when I realised I was the only birder out here. I later found out this evening, that A.S., N.P., A.B., and S.W. had all been out here before me (see RBA post for full list). I hadn't expected the sun out this afternoon and the skies were beautiful. Found a dead Guillemot on the beach. I worked hard to find some good birds. I found more spiders than birds! Lots of webs knitted across pine trees, each with a good sized spider in the middle – there must be some in my hair! Birds found: a few Robins, a Wren, Blackbird and several Goldcrests. 2 Peregrines flew west over the marsh at close range and a Common Buzzard also flew over, along with a Great White Egret and 2 Little Egrets. I was flabbergasted to find nothing at all in the sycamore glade, not a single bird! Back at the west end later, I found 2 Stonechats, a single Chiffchaff and at last a lovely Yellow-browed Warbler in the brambles! But, it would not play ball for my camera, you can see what it is, but rubbish pics! The setting sun over the harbour at Wells was simply breathtaking. Lots of Brent Geese, Redshanks, Oystercatchers and 3 Grey Plovers also seen. A wonderful afternoon, which wouldn't have happened, if I had gone racing off to twitch the Lammergeier, especially if I had dipped! Maybe tomorrow?!
My Yellow-browed Warbler – honest!


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Red-backed Shrike 1w, Yellow-browed Warbler, Grey Phalaropes x 7 offshore, Little Gull, Purple Sandpipers x 4, Great White Egret, Caspian Gulls x 2, Spoonbills x 17, Spotted Redshank at Titchwell RSPB
Yellow-browed Warbler at Gypsy Lane, Titchwell
Grey Phalarope, Little Gulls x 3 flew past Sheringham
Sabine's Gull, Grey Phalarope, Velvet Scoter, Snow Bunting, Little Stints x 2, Caspian Gull, Lapland Buntings x 4 at Cley NWT
Grey Phalaropes x 3 on sea, Great Northern Diver, Velvet Scoter, Little Gulls x 4 at Cley
Red-necked Phalarope, Great White Egrets x 4 at Welney WWT
Great White Egrets x 2 at Holkham Freshmarsh
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Barred Warbler, Yellow-browed Warblers x 10, Ring Ouzel, Lapland Buntings x 5 at Holkham Pines
Blyth's Reed Warbler, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 trapped & ringed at Holme NOA
Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Great White Egrets x 2, Spotted Redshank at Holme Dunes NWT
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Redstart at Garden Drove, Warham Greens
Grey Phalaropes x 2 on sea, Little Gulls x 10 at Kelling Hard
Arctic Tern, Short-eared Owl at Kelling Water Meadows
Great Northern Diver, Velvet Scoter at Walcott
Pale-bellied Brent Goose in Wells Channel, Wells
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike at Wells Woods
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Lesser Whitethroat (probable of an eastern form), Lapland Bunting, Great White Egret at East Hills, Wells
Yellow-browed Warbler in St Nicholas' Churchyard, Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher in Cemetery at Great Yarmouth
Greenish Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzel, Curlew Sandpiper at Winterton
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Redstart, Ring Ouzel, Brambling at South Dunes, Winterton
Yellow-browed Warbler, Lapland Buntings x 3 at Burnham Overy Dunes
Yellow-browed Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Ring Ouzels x 2, Little Gulls x 2, Velvet Scoter, Great Northern Diver at Waxham
LAMMERGEIER 1s. in field west of A1067, south of Foxley
LAMMERGEIER 1s. 1 mile south of North Elmham
LAMMERGEIER 1s. flew SW over church at Worthing
LAMMERGEIER 1s. NW of Beetley
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warbler, at Stiffkey Campsite Wood
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, between Stiffkey Campsite & Warham Greens
Spoonbills x 5, Great White Egret on marsh at Stiffkey
Glossy Ibis, Little Gull, Short-eared Owl at Horsey
Grey Phalaropes x 6, Velvet Scoter, Little Gulls x 5, Purple Sandpipers x 3 offshore at Weybourne Camp
Ring Ouzel, Whinchats x 2 at Salthouse Heath
Little Gull east of Beach Road at Salthouse
Ring Ouzel, Whinchat at Paston Cliffs
Hawfinch at Lynford Aboretum
Great White Egrets x 2 at Hockwold Washes
Velvet Scoters x 2, Great Northern Divers x 2, Purple Sandpiper at Mundesley
Grey Phalaropes x 3, Little Gulls x 5, Purple Sandpiper flew past Scolt Head Island NNR
Flew past Lowestoft, Southwold, Sizewell & Thorpeness, Suffolk


I should have been on Shetland right now, but sadly cancelled before any of us had heard of Covid-19. I will really miss being on Shetland – I have fallen in love with the place big time, but on hindsight, it was a good job I did cancel.
So lets hope Norfolk produces some good birds this Autumn – its certainly kicked off well so far, with the Derbyshire 1s Lammergeier making an appearance in Norfolk today!!! This got the Norfolk listers moving this afternoon!

I can't believe that the Alder Flycatcher found on Blakeney Point was 10 years ago! Peter Allard highlighted this a couple of days ago on Twitter! Here is my blog post on the hardest slog up the point EVER and the most rewarding!

Sunday, 27 September 2020


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Sabine's Gull, Grey Phalaropes x 2, Little Gulls x 7, Arctic Tern flew past Weybourne
Grey Phalarope's x 3, Slavonian Grebe, Little Gulls x 10 flew past Weybourne Camp
Little Gulls x 2, Little Stint at North Point Pools, Wells
Little Gulls x 16 on flood between playing field and caravan park at Wells
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3 at East Hills, Wells
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Mealy Redpoll at Wells Woods
Little Gull north of Wymondham Abbey
Leach's Petrels x 2, Sooty Shearwater flew past Kelling
Grey Phalarope, Little Gulls x 30, Yellow-browed Warbler at Kelling Quags
Leach's Petrels x 2 flew past West Runton
Storm Petrel, Sabine's Gull, Yellow-browed Warbler, Grey Phalaropes x 5, Little Gulls x 2, Caspian Gull, Spoonbill, Great White Egret, Purple Sandpipers x 2, Snow Bunting at Titchwell RSPB
Leach's Petrels x 3, Sabine's Gull, Balearic Shearwaters x 2, Pomarine Skua, Grey Phalaropes x 3, Sooty Shearwaters x 11, Caspian Gull, Little Gulls x 8, Little Stint, Velvet Scoter, Black-throated Divers x 2, Scaup flew past Coastguards, Cley
Little Gulls x 3 in field near sewage works at Cley
Grey Phalarope, Little Stints x 3, Little Gulls x 2, Caspian Gulls x 5 at Cley NWT
Red-necked Phalarope, Cattle Egrets x 8, Great White Egret, Little Stint at Welney WWT
Grey Phalarope, Little Gull, Caspian Gulls x 3, Arctic Tern in fields east of Beach Road at Salthouse
Sabine's Gull, Sooty Shearwaters x 6, Puffins x 2, Little Gulls x 10 at Sheringham
Little Gull at Stiffkey Fen
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Pied Flycatcher at Holkham Pines
Snow Bunting at Sea Palling
Grey Phalaropes x 2 flew past North Beach at Heacham
Ring Ouzels x 2 at Garden Drove, Warham Greens
Curlew Sandpiper at Snettisham RSPB
Storm Petrel, Arctic Terns x 5, Great White Egret, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Snow Bunting at Holme NOA
Lapland Buntings x 2 at Thornham Harbour
Yellow-browed Warbler, Lapland Buntings x 2, Long-tailed Skua at Blakeney Point
Grey Plover flew over Cantley Beet Factory
Sooty Shearwaters x 5, Little Gull, Puffin at Mundesley
Leach's Petrel, Scaup x 2, Sooty Shearwaters x 6, Little Gulls x 4, Short-eared Owl, Purple Sandpiper, Puffin flew past Scolt Head Island NNR
Fulmar in garden, then flew off at Fakenham
Little Stints x 2 at Admiralty Point
Dotterel at Terrington Marsh

Fair Isle, Shetland
Staveley YWT, Yorkshire
South of Baltimore, County Cork, Ireland

Saturday, 26 September 2020


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Sabine's Gull, Sooty Shearwater flew past Happisburgh
Pomarine Skuas x 6 Grey Phalaropes x 4, Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwaters x 68, Little Gulls x 26, Purple Sandpipers x 3 off beach car park at Cley
Red-necked Phalarope, Grey Phalaropes x 2, Little Gulls x 10, Little Stints x 6, Curlew Sandpiper, Purple Sandpiper, Lapland Buntings x 2 at Cley NWT
Yellow-browed Warbler, Sooty Shearwaters x 2, Purple Sandpipers x 2, Snow Bunting, Little Stint, Little Gulls x 6, Great White Egret, Spoonbill, Arctic Terns x 3, Caspian Gulls x 2 at Titchwell RSPB
Grey Phalarope, Purple Sandpiper, Little Gulls x 6, Arctic Terns x 2, Caspian Gull at Salthouse
Sooty Shearwaters x 2, Scaup x 5 at Winterton
Cattle Egrets x 8, Great White Egrets x 8, Common Cranes x 48 at Welney WWT
Arctic Terns x 2 at Whitlingham Country Park
Leach's Petrel, Sabine's Gulls x 2, Sooty Shearwaters x 35, Long-tailed Skuas x 6, Pomarine Skuas x 8, Velvet Scoters x 2, Arctic Terns x 2, Little Gulls x 33, Scaup x 3, Grey Phalarope at Sheringham
Great Skua flew over Syderstone Common
Grey Phalarope, Little Gulls x 29 at Kelling Water Meadows
Little Stints x 3 at Caister-on-Sea
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Pied Flycatcher at Wells Woods
Little Stint at Snettisham RSPB
Sooty Shearwaters x 2 flew past Weybourne Camp
Sabine's Gull, Grey Phalarope, Sooty Shearwater, Pomarine Skua, Arctic Terns x 4, Little Gulls x 2, Snow Bunting, Great White Egrets x 2 at Holme Dunes
Caspian Gull at Fisherfleet, King's Lynn
Little Gull at Rush Meadow, Dereham
Leach's Petrel, Scaup, Sooty Shearwaters x 3, Little Stint, Little Gulls x 3, Short-eared Owl at Mundesley
Blue-headed Wagtail, Spotted Redshank at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Little Gulls x 12 on flood between playing field and caravan park at Wells
Leach's Petrel, Sabine's Gull, Sooty Shearwaters x 8, Little Gulls x 11, Sooty Shearwaters x 29, Pale-bellied Brent Geese x 3 offshore at Scolt Head Island NNR
Little Gulls x 3 at Breydon Water
Leach's Petrel, Sabine's Gull, Sooty Shearwater, Grey Phalarope, Long-tailed Skuas x 2, Pomarine Skua flew past Hunstanton

Fair Isle, Shetland
Staveley YWT, Yorkshire

Friday, 25 September 2020


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Leach's Petrels x 3, Sabine's Gulls x 2, Long-tailed Skuas x 3, Great Skuas x 146, Arctic Skuas x 68, Little Gulls x 24, Sooty Shearwater flew past Sheringham
Little Gulls x 6, Curlew Sandpiper, Arctic Tern, Purple Sandpiper at Titchwell RSPB
Arctic Skuas x 219, Great Skuas x 28, Arctic Terns x 4 flew over Lynn Point, King's Lynn
Cattle Egrets x 8, Great White Egrets x 6, Common Cranes x 60 at Welney WWT
Scaup, Sooty Shearwater flew past Winterton
Pomarine Skuas x 2, Sooty Shearwater, Little Gulls x 5, Long-tailed Skuas x 4, Great Skuas x 122 flew past beach car park at Cley
Sabine's Gull flew over Eye Field, Cley NWT
Arctic Skuas x 2 flew over Cringleford
Arctic Skuas (probable) x 4, Skua sp. x 2 flew over Thetford
Little Gulls x 13 flew past Weybourne
Little Gull flew past Holme
Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Little Gull flew past Scratby
Long-tailed Skua flew past, Slavonian Grebe on sea at Weybourne Camp
Little Gulls x 3 flew past Mundesley

Off Emmanel Head, Holy Ireland, Northumberland

Thursday, 24 September 2020


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Red-breasted Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Wells Woods
Yellow-browed Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA
Red-backed Shrike on Thornham Marsh, Lapland Bunting, Snow Bunting at Titchwell RSPB
Spoonbills x 5, Lapland Bunting, Great White Egret at Thornham Point
Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher at Winterton
Little Stint, Spotted Redshanks x 3 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Common Cranes x 8 flew over Stubb Mill, Hickling Broad NWT
Curlew Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Little Stint at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Yellow-browed Warbler at St Nicholas' Churchyard, Great Yarmouth
Yellow-browed Warbler just east of churchyard at Blakeney
Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stints x 2 at Snettisham RSPB 
Cattle Egrets x 7, Great White Egrets x 4, Common Cranes x 55 at Welney WWT
Lapland Buntings x 5, Curlew Sandpiper, Short-eared Owl at Cley NWT
Great White Egrets x 3 at Holme Dunes
Garganey x 2, Great White Egret at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Yellow-browed Warbler near Wymondham Abbey
Purple Sandpiper at Cromer
Short-eared Owl at California, Ravenstone

Fanad Head, County Donegal, Ireland

Wednesday, 23 September 2020


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Lesser Yellowlegs at Runham Swim, Runham
Red-backed Shrike, Snow Bunting, Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Great White Egret at Titchwell RSPB
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike at Wells Woods
Great White Egret, Lapland Buntings x 3 at Thornham Point
Yellow-browed Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA
Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Little Stint at Snettisham RSPB
Spoonbill, Caspian Gulls x 2 at Breydon Water
Cattle Egret, Great White Egret, Garganey, Common Cranes x 53 at Welney WWT
Common Cranes x 4 at St Benet's Abbey, Ludham
Grey Plover, Curlew Sandpiper at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Black Redstart at Waxham
Little Stint, Spotted Redshanks x 3 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Great White Egret flew over East Ruston
Black-throated Diver at Cley NWT
Great White Egret flew over Cantley Beet Factory
Great White Egrets x 2, Spotted Redshank at Holme Dunes NWT
Caspian Gull at Cromer

Fanad Head, County Donegal, Ireland
Tiree, Argyll

Tuesday, 22 September 2020


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Lapland Buntings x 3, Snow Bunting, Spoonbills x 4 at Thornham Point
Great White Egrets x 3, Spoonbills x 20 at Titchwell RSPB
Hen Harrier, Lapland Bunting flew over at Burnham Overy Dunes
Lesser Yellowlegs at Runham Swim, Runham
Hen Harrier at Blakeney Freshmarsh
Lapland Buntings x 3 at Blakeney Point
Hen Harrier at Blakeney Harbour
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatcher, Lapland Bunting, Tree Pipit, Crossbills x 2 at Wells Woods
Spoonbill at North Point Pools, Wells
Yellow-browed Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA
BROWN SHRIKE 1w (2nd for Norfolk) at Warham Greens
Pectoral Sandpiper, Ruddy Shelduck, Black-throated Diver at Cley NWT
Hawfinches x 4, Crossbills x 18 at Lynford Aboretum
Glossy Ibis, Cattle Egrets x 7, Great White Egrets x 8, Common Cranes x 40 at Welney WWT
Hen Harrier at Langham
Great White Egret, Whinchat at Horsey
Turtle Dove, Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Little Stint at Snettisham RSPB
Osprey flew over Ken Hill Wood at Snettisham
Pectoral Sandpiper at Lynn Point, King's Lynn
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Pied Flycatchers x 2, Spotted Redshank, Great White Egrets x 4, at Holme Dunes NWT
Lapland Buntings x 2 flew over Hemsby
Redstart male at Winterton Dunes
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at Stiffkey Campsite Wood
Wryneck at Cathedral Meadows, North Elmham 

Fanad Head, County Donegal, Ireland
Tiree, Argyll

Raise fixed penalty notices for littering the countryside and beaches to start at £1000.

Please sign this petition if you are sick of selfish people littering our countryside. Thank you.

Monday, 21 September 2020


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Red-breasted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Yellow-browed Warblers x 4, Tree Pipit, Lapland Bunting at Wells Woods
BROWN SHRIKE 1w (2nd for Norfolk) west of Garden Drove, ARCTIC WARBLER, Yellow-browed Warbler at Garden Drove, Great White Egrets x 5 (on saltmarsh), Lapland Bunting at Warham Greens
Lesser Yellowlegs at Runham Swim, Runham
Yellow-browed Warbler at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Hawfinch flew over Beeston Common, Lapland Bunting at Spalls Gap, Yellow-browed Warbler in garden at Sheringham
Turtle Dove, Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Little Stint at Snettisham RSPB
Yellow-browed Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA
Barred Warbler, Pied Flycatcher at Burnham Overy Dunes
Great White Egrets x 4 flew past East Ruston
Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 3 in St Nicholas' Churchyard
Yellow-browed Warbler at North Dunes, Ring Ouzel at Low Road, Winterton
Great White Egrets x 4 flew over Kelling Water Meadows
Lapland Buntings x 2 at Thornham Point
Yellow-browed Warblers x 4, Pied Flycatchers x 2, Spotted Redshank at Holme Dunes NWT
Pectoral Sandpiper from car park hide at Holme NOA
Honey Buzzard, Lapland Buntings x 4, Caspian Gull, Great White Egrets x 3 at Titchwell RSPB
Cattle Egrets x 7, Great White Egret, Common Cranes x 45 at Welney WWT
Spoonbills x 3, Great White Egrets x 4 at North Point Pools, Wells
Pied Flycatchers x 3 in cemetery at Caister-on-Sea
Yellow-browed Warbler at Waxham
Yellow-browed Warblers x 6, Pied Flycatcher at Holkham Pines
Great White Egret, Garganey x 2, Nightingale at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Spotted Redshank at Blakeney Harbour
Pied Flycatcher at Blakeney Freshmarsh
Little Stint, Spotted Redshanks x 3 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Great White Egrets x 3 flew over South Beach, Heacham
Yellow-browed Warbler at Stiffkey Campsite Woods
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker at Foxley Wood

Fanad Head, County Donegal, Ireland
Tiree, Argyll

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Hot Birding At Wells Woods & Holkham Pines!

The Dell at Wells Woods

I got up very early and arrived at Wells Woods Beach Car Park at just before 7.30am. I had two Red Kites overhead as I drove into Wells. It was a beautiful morning and the east winds continue. The highest tide was this morning and I noticed the Environment Agency were stationed at Wells Quay. There was no more than a dozen cars in the car park when I arrived.

It took me ages to actually see the Red-breasted Flycatcher in The Dell, but eventually I did! Cracking little bird – I sat on a bank for ages and watched it flitting around in the branches. I also saw the Red-backed Shrike perched on a bramble next to a fence in the big field, just south of the The Dell. The most shocking scenes today of hundreds of dogs and people. All I could hear all morning was barking, yelping and owners calling their dogs, so much for listening to nature's sounds! No hope! It was very stressful to hear continuous barking and growling. I think I might purchase a set of headphones that cancels out noise!!! I also saw 2 Treecreepers, a Bullfinch, several Robins, Blue Tits, Great Tit, Coal Tits, male Blackcap, a Chiffchaff (along the caravan path/track). Walked to the drinking pool and west of here found Dawn and Pete Balmer and Bethany watching a Yellow-browed Warbler in a glade, just west of the pool (the one that Ashley Saunders found a RFB in). Lovely views of the YBW, but the sun was in the wrong direction, so walked to the opposite side of the glade to take some pictures, but I never saw it again! Lots of Goldcrests appeared and there were 6 together, just in one small birch tree and also saw Blue Tits and Robins here too.

Red-breasted Flycatcher in The Dell at Wells Woods
 Fungi in Wells Woods
Chiffchaff at Wells Woods
Mega news bleeped up on the pager of a probable White-chinned Petrel going west from Cley, so I headed for the beach (as Dawn and family did) and climbed onto the highest dune I could find and scanned the sea. The very high tide looked fantastic and the light was stunning, it was only spoilt by tons of people and more barking, running dogs and people shouting at them. Saw a good number of Gannets streaming by and a flock of 22 Brent Geese, but decided it was highly unlikely that I would see a White-chinned Petrel cruising by and returned to the glade by the drinking pool. Several other birders here now, but no sign of the Yellow-browed Warbler or anything else of particular note. I walked round trying to find my own birds and was very pleased to find a Redstart perched up on a small bush, just seaward side of the bench seat along the main path, that is west of The Dell and also watched a Red Kite soaring overhead. I returned to watch the Red-breasted Flycatcher, but too many people here now. It was nice to see a smart Pied Flycatcher here too, high up on the birch canopy. Met Nick Acheson briefly, whilst watching the flycatchers.
Wells Beach
Redstart near The Dell at Wells Woods
Pied Flycatcher in The Dell at Wells Woods
Returned to my car – the car park was bedlam! So many people here and so many dogs! Apparently, people had been queuing up along Beach Road to get into the car park! I decided to make the effort to search the fantastic are of sea-buckthorn and scrub by the lifeboat house. I walked past the cafe and up the steps and was confronted with a tall metal fence – behind this was bulldozers and digger and there was no access to the scrub and even worse, half the scrub had been dug up and stripped away – it was heartbreaking to see! I peered through the holes in the metal fence and there were Robins, a Hedge Sparrow and Blue Tits flitting around in the small area of scrub that has been left. On the mudflats towards East Hills I could see a huge flock of 60+ Oystercatchers and further towards the hills a big number of Brent Geese. Headed back to my car.
The remains of the sea-buckthorn and scrub by the lifeboat house😢

Near Meals House at Holkham NNR
Headed to Holkham and parked at Lady Anne's Drive. Walked west all the way to the glade on the south side of the path just after the cross tracks. Saw very little, but did see a Common Buzzard, Jays, Squirrels, Cormorants, heard a Great Spotted Woodpecker and saw all the Cormorants roosting and a Great White Egret flew across the marsh. Lots of Mallards and Little Grebes on the Salt Pool. It was too late in the day to see any tit flocks or warblers etc – I didn't see anything exciting in the pines. Re-traced my steps and sat by my car having a cup of tea and a sandwich, then drove home.


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  

BROWN SHRIKE 1w (2nd for Norfolk) west of Garden Drove at Warham Greens
Arctic Warbler, possible, heard only along coast path at 3rd field west of Garden Drove, Warham Greens
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatchers x 3, Red-backed Shrike, Yellow-browed Warbler at Wells Woods
Great Shearwater flew east, Leach's Petrel flew east past Sheringham
Short-eared Owl east of Lady Anne's Drive at Holkham
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Ring Ouzel, Whinchat, Pied Flycatchers x 6, Cattle Egrets x 3, Great White Egrets x 2 at Holkham Pines
Yellow-browed Warbler, Lapland Buntings x 2, Little Stint flew over Burnham Overy Dunes
Lesser Yellowlegs at Runham Swim, Runham
Yellow-browed Warbler NNE of Mundford
WHITE-CHINNED PETREL flew west past beach car park at 8.45am and east at 12.50pm at Cley
Sabine's Gull flew east, Little Gulls x 3 flew east past beach car park at Cley
Pectoral Sandpiper, Little Stint, Spotted Redshanks x 3 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Pied Flycatcher at North Dunes, Winterton
Spoonbills x 8, Curlew Sandpiper, Great White Egret at Titchwell RSPB
Turtle Dove, Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Little Stints x 3, Spotted Redshanks x 6, Spoonbills x 8 at Snettisham RSPB
Cattle Egret, Common Crane at Welney WWT
Lapland Buntings x 2 at Thornham Point
Turtle Dove flew over Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Great White Egret, Spotted Redshank, Great Northern Diver at Holme
Black-throated Diver, Little Gullsl x 3 flew past Weybourne
Yellow-browed Warbler in garden at Halvergate
Little Gull flew past Scolt Head Island NNR
Common Cranes x 11 over Waxham
Yellow-browed Warbler at Muckleburgh Hill
Little Stints x 4 at Cantley Beet Factory
Lesser Yellowlegs at Potter Heigham Marshes
Lapland Bunting flew over Blakeney Point
Probable, flew west past beach car park at 8.45am and east at 12.50pm at Cley, Norfolk
Fanad Head, County Donegal, Ireland
Bryher, Isles of Scilly
Tiree, Argyll