Thursday 31 December 2020


Yesterday and today I was at work! It has been crazy, stressful, emotional etc etc – all I can say professionally! The Covid-19 situation is becoming increasingly difficult to cope with mentally and that's putting it mildly! After I finished work this evening, I decided to have one of my Spring clean's in our office – next week I rotate into the Community Team for six months. I then went to the Tesco garage shop....... to buy some Prosecco!
The last time I had an alcoholic drink was at our Christmas work party bash on 6th December 2019. I never, ever drink at home. But this evening, I felt like it! I've had a really healthy tea this evening, not! As soon as I got home, I hoovered, changed my bed, put the washing machine on, showered, washed hair and then collapsed on the sofa at 9.40pm. Video-called Vivien and Ray and then called Lucy, whilst drinking Prosecco and munching on sour cream and onion Pringles!!! At midnight I stood outside watching fireworks and then had some cheese and crackers! Bored with the Prosecco, going to make a good strong cup of tea!!! 🤣

A special thanks to all my readers and subscribers and for all the lovely comments, emails and support I receive from so many of you, it is much appreciated. Wishing you all health and happiness in the new year.


  1. Happy New Year to you and thanks for all your postings

  2. Keep strong and we can support each other. Best wishes for 2021.
