Sunday 10 April 2022

WHITE-TAILED LAPWING At Ken Hill Marsh, Snettisham Coastal Park

I took four videos, but because of distance and the wind, they are not my best phone-scoped footage, so uploaded the shortest one to Youtube – I needed some kind of record of this new bird for Norfolk!

Look at my footage from Frampton for a much better video!

After being at work all day, I nearly didn't go back to Ken Hill Marsh, but wanted some kind of photo or video of the White-tailed Lapwing and better views than I did last night. As I headed along the Dersingham Bypass a Common Crane appeared, going north over the road at 6.18pm – a unexpected surprise! Parked up in the same spot as last night along Beach Road at Snettisham.

Walked much further along the sea wall to the furthest point overlooking the pool, where the White-tailed Lapwing was last night. I had far clearer and closer views than yesterday. Still too far away for my camera lens, but did manage to get some phone-scoped video this time. James Mc. and only a couple of other birders here. Some hirundines appeared – my first ones of the Spring! 6 Swallows and 1 Sand Martin skimming over the pools – so fabulous to see! At least 3+ Cetti's Warblers singing all the way along the sea wall. Last saw the WTL at about 7.30pm, then walked back to my car. Very tired when I got home. South east winds tomorrow!

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