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Monday, 12 July 2010

Sapphire united with Tiger Xx

I was allowed to take half day's holiday - thank you Anne-Marie if you read this - I know I have been with Sapphire all weekend, but being with her this afternoon, mean't everything to me.

Taking Sapphire to vets this evening at 6.15pm.

One of my lovely neighbours Anne looked in on Sapphire whilst I was at work this morning.

Got home at 12.45pm. Sapphire had eaten nothing all morning again and now looked weak - I knew I needed to help her. Laid down in the garden nursing Sapphire for a couple of hours until it started spitting with rain. Took Sapphire indoors on her big cushion and took her upstairs and spent the rest of the time with her on my duvet and trying to rest myself, to prepare for later (didn't work). Another lovely lady in my street called Julie very, very kindly said she would take me to the vets as there is no way I could have done it by myself.

6.15pm came round much too quickly. I am such an emotional person, I really, really wish I wasn't. Sobbed the whole time. Of course as cats do, I am sure they sense it, Sapphire looked quite alert going to the vets! Millhouse Vets is a top vets and won Vet of the year award 2010. Inside 'the room' I could see it was the right time and the lovely lady vet 'Fiona' in a round about way agreed. Sapphire attempted to get back into the cat carrier just before the vet came back into the room, which added to my distress! A veterinary nurse came in to assist and I realised it was 'Megan' who had assisted 'Tiger' to be put to sleep, so that actually was really nice, but made me cry even more. Sapphire went to sleep (much quicker than my equally beloved, tabby persian 'Tiger' 3 years ago) and also very peacefully at 6.45pm.

Julie then drove me to 'Peaceful Pets' at East Rudham which is a Pet Crematorium. Sapphire will be cremated tomorrow and I will collect her (ashes put inside a carved, wooden, curled up, asleep cat) in the evening (if I can). I did exactly the same with 'Tiger'. Don't have much choice really as the only choices are A. leave cat at vets (can't do that) B. bury her in the garden (can't do that either, because I don't like living here and psychologically I then wouldn't be able to ever move) - so that only leaves the choice I have made. I did wonder about doing this with Tiger at the time, but it was definately the right choice, because it means I can take them wherever I go and I don't mean that in a morbid way.

Enormous thanks to Anne and Julie for all your support and especially to Julie this evening - words cannot describe how grateful I am.

I will miss you Dearest Sapphire terribly.

May you now be at peace sweetheart xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. So sorry Penny, it's gut-wrenchingly painful I know, just like losing a person. But you did the right thing and now only time will heal. Think of all the good times and what a good life she had with you as her 'mum'. Take care,

  2. A terrible lose,hope you recover.
    It takes time,our heart goes with you.

  3. Thank you all for your kind words.

    Penny X
