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Sunday, 21 November 2010

Burnham Norton

Had a chilled day at home yesterday, because I still felt ill - highlight of the day was watching X-Factor! Katie for me, was the performance of the night, although I don't like her new cropped haircut which is also now dyed brown, it makes her look like a boy - she should have stayed blonde.

Got up late today and even though I still didn't feel right, I felt like I needed some air. This virus is leaving me exhausted. Can't believe I wasted time again looking for the now 'probable' Northern Harrier, but I did! Arrived Burnham Norton and got the last place in the small carpark and walked out to the sea wall with SLR in hand (ha ha). I should have brought the scope out with me and left the camera behind. Had close views of a Marsh Harrier on route out there, but very little else of note. Joined Stuart W. and a few others on the sea wall. Saw a Merlin, Peregrine, 2 Rough legged Buzzards, another Marsh Harrier, a ring tail Hen Harrier going west and several little egrets. As Stuart said, its just pure luck connecting with THE harrier - it covers such a vast stretch of the coast, its impossible to actually look for it. I think it will be virtually impossible for anyone to get a photograph of it, even if they are lucky enough to see it, as its always seen a fair distance away. I felt too cold to stand here as long as everyone else, so walked back a different route, along the sea wall and back to the carpark. Thousands of pinkfeet flying along the horizon. Watched 6 Little Egrets flying high east, presumably going to roost at Holkham I guess. Surprisingly I didn't see a barn owl around the carpark area. Had a cup of tea and drove home.


I can not BELIEVE the Wagner is still being voted in!!!!!! How can the public keep on voting for him and then have Cher and Paije in the bottom two - what the hell is going on, get rid of him for goodness sake! I mean he's a nice man and all that and to a degree is entertaining, BUT he can't sing and its called X-Factor, hellooooooooo!!!!!!!!

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