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Saturday 12 October 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
White-winged Scoter ad. drk. still (for 14th day) at Wadbister, north of Laxfirth. 
Cattle Egret still in field from road The Wart, Sandwick.
Siberian Chiffchaffs x 2 at Wester Quarff.
Bluethroat in field along burn at Channerwick.
Snow Buntings x 6 in Twarri Field, Mossy Hill, Scousburgh.
Barred Warbler at South Pund, NE end in plantation, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at south end of Muckle Roe.
Pied Flycatcher in garden at Easter Quarff.
Pied Flycatcher at Veensgarth.
Red-breasted Flycatcher, Snow Buntings x 2 at Grutness.
Scaup at Sae Water, Voe.
Siberian Chiffchaff, Yellow-browed Warbler at Maywick.
Little Auk at Ham Voe, Isle of Foula.
Turkestan Lesser Whitethroat (probable) (form halimodendri) at Hunters Wood, east of leisure centre, Baltsound, Paddyfield Warbler still in oats, Greenish Warbler in garden, Yellow-browed Warbler at Valyie, Norwick, Unst.
Snow Buntings x 10, Siberian Chiffchaff at Papa Stour.

I have been seriously affected by Lucy's forthcoming move, as has Vivien. Today was the first time I have got seriously upset since I have been here. Lucy leaves the place she has lived in for 27 years, next Wednesday. After speaking to Lucy's new Home Manager (who sounds extremely nice), she didn't realise how much this move is affecting Lucy's mental health. Vivien is back with Ray and shattered after helping Lucy pack and having to do two long bus journeys back to where their narrow boat is moored. Lucy is now surrounded by boxes and very stressed. After having meals provided for her over the last 27 years, I don't know how she will manage to plan, shop and cook for herself, I really don't. The only items in the flat are a fridge/freezer, built in oven and a wardrobe, she will have to purchase everything else. The other residents have already left, there is only Lucy and one other person to leave. I never expected this to happen.

On Friday, whilst in Lerwick, I noticed a sign in the window of The Tourist Information Centre saying all display items were for sale, ahead of their closure in November, which should never be happening, very very sad indeed, a service which is essential for visitors and locals and obviously the lovely staff are losing their jobs. I popped inside and was shocked to hear how cheap things were being sold off – I bought a very large wicker basket and a smaller one, which were top quality and would have cost a fortune to buy new! Also three wicker shopping baskets, one for me and one each for my sisters when I next visit and also a fabulous large dried plant display in a vase, which I have stood in a corner of my new office/studio and some clear perspex square display boxes, which can be used for storage – I'm glad I saw the notice in the window.

Today, whilst changing a light bulb in an antique glass ceiling lampshade in the living room, I hadn't realised how heavy the glass shade was and it crashed to the floor in a million pieces. I took me over an hour to pick up all the glass and then hoover all the shards and splinters of glass up! Will have to find and buy a new ceiling light now and pay an electrician to put it up, oh dear!

Finally finished the final layer of wood filler between skirting board and wall in the long corridor. Put together two flat packed white storage boxes to go in bathroom and then tried to mend the TV, which says "No Signal" – I failed, so no Strictly Come Dancing tonight. Maybe I will have to upgrade the rusty satellite dish? The front door is very leaky with drafts and needs sorting out, but not heard from my builder yet, so decided to buy a door curtain, in fact I have purchased two and also two extendable, telescopic curtain rods, which should make a difference to the chilly hall by the back door. Need to get a door curtain sorted out for the front stable door too. Adam from A1 Flooring came out yesterday and measured up my three kitchen windows for new blinds.
The Leucistic House Sparrow still around my garden with a large flock of House Sparrows, Starlings, Collared Doves and Rock Doves. Raining for most of the day here and tons of leaves have covered my garden again, so more sweeping tomorrow!

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