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Wednesday 18 August 2010

Lesser Grey Shrike at Kelling!!!!!!!!

Lesser Grey Shrike

I felt so tired when I left off work, but really wanted to go and see the Lesser Grey Shrike at Kelling. Had to get two new front tyres fitted before I went anywhere as they were close to be illegal and obviously you can't go birding, travelling to Rutland with dodgy tyres!!! So after getting this done, flew home, changed, got birding gear and drove to Kelling. Started to rain as soon as I arrived, but stopped shortly after walking along the track to the water meadows. The main pool was not a pool, it was merely a puddle!!!! never seen so little water here!

Lesser Grey Shrike

As I walked up the grassy slope to the right, at the end of the track I could see three people standing looking across at brambles on the slope - scanned with bins and there it was - an absolutely stunning Lesser Grey Shrike!!! sitting on a low bramble bush looking quite contented apart from when swallows attempted to hassle it every now and again. Steve G. was there with camera of course! and it was lovely to see Justin and Sonia L. too! Watched the bird from 7.35pm until 8.10pm - also rang through to RBA as no one else had done so for several hours! Well worth flying over for after work, even though I have only just got home at 9.45pm! Stunning sunset also set the scene. Got some fuzzy record shots of the shrike sitting in a bramble. It dived behind the bramble bush at 8.10pm and didn't see it anymore.

Sunset from Kelling, looking towards Cley

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