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Monday, 6 January 2025


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
Bufflehead ad. drk still at Ham Voe, Glaucous Gulls x 6 at Da Mill Loch, Isle of Foula.

F R E E Z I N G ! 🥶

Sunday, 5 January 2025


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
AMERICAN COOT still at Setter Marsh, Loch of Spiggie.
American Wigeon 1w. drk still at Loch of Hillwell.
Little Auks x 14 flew past The Lookout at Sumburgh Head.
Northern Eiders (form borealis), possible x 3 at Bluemull Sound.

Snow Buntings x 2 on beach at Norwick, Unst.

The thaw began today, but will be overridden by more snow showers, strong winds and ferrry disruption until the end of Thursday. Friday will be a balmy 3 degrees and sunshine, which will work out just right for the Scalloway Fire Festival if the forecast stays that way! Took all the Christmas decorations down, which took forever – all looks very boring now. Still lots of birds in the garden, but no sign of my Fieldfare. Back to work tomorrow.

Saturday, 4 January 2025


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
AMERICAN COOT still in bay off Setter Marsh, south end of Loch of Spiggie.
Little Auk, Blue Fulmar flew past Sumburgh Head.

No Fieldfare today, but I didn't put another apple out, so that may be why. Spent ages shovelling all the snow from my drive, so I can get the car out. Forecast still bleak, with more snow on the way!

Friday, 3 January 2025


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
Bufflehead ad. drk still at Ham Voe, then on Da Mill Loch on Isle of Foula.

I could just repeat yesterday's post! Still freezing cold here, and more snow overnight. The lowest temperature recorded today was -2.4C, with a wind chill of -8C. Whilst others have been clearing their driveways from snow, I haven't bothered yet as don't need to go anywhere, but will have to this weekend, as can't see it melting anytime soon and I return to work on Monday.

Tons of birds feeding in my front garden. The ice on the bird pools was far harder to smash out with the hammer than yesterday. Organic apple number two was put outside and my Fieldfare returned! The same battles with the Blackbirds ensued, but the Fieldfare was much more fiesty today and won more rounds than the Blackbirds I felt. No cats in sight, far too cold for the local ginger cat to sit under the fuchsia bush in wait! 😆😼

I have a horrible birthday coming up on the 27th, not looking forward to it one bit – I have booked the day off work and will probably stay in bed all day! I suppose a positive way of thinking about it, is the fact that its better to reach that birthday than not, so fingers crossed!!! 😊


Thursday 2nd January
Rare  Bird  Alert  News
Snow Bunting flew over Twagoes Road, Lerwick.
Snow Buntings x 2 at Burravoe, Yell.

Atrocious snow blizzards here today and -4 degrees 🥶. I didn't even think about trying to move the car out of the drive. There was more than enough snow to make a ⛄ if I had felt like it – I didn't!

Highlight of the day was a new garden tick! I had just filled up all the feeders, broke some of the ice on the drinking pools with a hammer, topped up with boiling water and come back indoors, when a stunning Fieldfare landed in the front garden! At that moment I realised the one food I had not put out was an apple, so cut one of my organic apples in half and threw it out in the front garden. The Fieldfare immediately returned and went straight to the apple! A male Blackbird was not happy about this far too colourful visitor and continually harrassed the Fieldfare over half an apple, even though there was a second half a few yards away that it could have feasted on too. The Fieldfare and Blackbird were well matched, neither would give up the fight – they battled until darkness fell.

Lots of hungry Starlings, House Sparrows, a Robin, Collared Doves and just before dusk I had 6 Blackbirds, which is a record for my garden too. I sat by the window fascinated by the Fieldfare. As it got dark all the birds left the garden apart from the Blackbirds, one Robin and the Fieldfare. Eventually they all left too, apart from the Fieldfare who had finished the first half of the apple and now undisturbed was able to demolish the second half of the apple – he was there until at least 4.30pm and it had been dark for ages at this point. The street light is on the corner by my house, so allows me to watch birds feeding late. I hope the apple helps the Fieldfare survive the brutally cold night ahead.

Thursday, 2 January 2025


Wednesday 1st January
Rare  Bird  Alert  News
American Wigeon 1w. drk at Loch of Hillwell.
AMERICAN COOT still at south end, Iceland Gull at Loch of Spiggie.
Bufflehead ad. drk still at Da Mill Loch, Isle of Foula.

I woke up at 1.30pm, which was extremely frustrating!!! Sunny outside with snowy scenes. Flew into the shower, had a coffee, re-laid the fire and got some logs from the shed. Lots of Starlings, House Sparrows, 1 Robin, 2 Blackbirds and Collared Doves feeding in the garden and enjoying the remains of a tea cake I put out for them. Had to use a hammer to smash through the ice in the bird baths. The sun suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a heavy stormstorm – too late for a beach walk. 😞

The Northern Lights showing well in Shetland this evening, but my car was so iced up, I didn't fancy scraping it all off and driving out in dodgy conditions, plus its still snowing. My house faces south, so can't see the lights from here – the back of my house faces north, but Gallow Hill blocks most of the sky!

The wet wood under the living room window is much happier now it has more air. I also removed the new curtains (which drape on the floor/carpet) and going to return to Amazon for shorter ones, which will fall just a few inches below the window sill, this means nothing is touching the wood panelling, so it should be better in the short term. 😊

View from my front door this afternoon

Wednesday, 1 January 2025


To all My Readers, Friends, Family & Work Colleagues

Wishing You all Good Health, Peace, Light,

Love & Happiness in 2025

💖 💖 💖



Tuesday, 31 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
Glaucous Gull at Millfield, Norwick, Unst.
Snow Bunting at Burravoe, Yell.

Woke up to a white out. Steady drive to work in snow covered hills! The weather deteriorated further. After doing all essential work, Jen and I were allowed to leave a bit earlier than normal, so we could drive back home in daylight and before conditions got any worse. ⛄ 🌨

I had a job to reverse up onto my drive, but made it eventually. Lit the fire as soon as I got in. Had to move my fur covered single sofa chair/bed away from the window alcove in living room, as water seeping through the wood panelled section of the walls under window and with new curtains up and new carpet laid underneath, it needed air around to breath – I was worried about the new carpet getting damp/wet and this now seems to be happening 😩😒. The house either needs re rendering or insulating or both, who knows! Far too many water issues with this house, but invested all my money into it, so will have to stick with it, plus I love the house – it will all get sorted eventually, fingers crossed. 🤞😊

Monday, 30 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
White-billed Diver viewed from mail boat to Foula off Vaila, SW of Walls.
AMERICAN COOT still in north west corner at Loch of Spiggie.

Bufflehead ad. drk still on Da Pools o da Gaads, Little Auks x 29 from boat, Isle of Foula.

I woke up with a chilly nose! Considerably colder here today. -1° as I drove home from work this evening.


Sunday 29th December
Rare  Bird  Alert  News
No news

Dismal rainy day here. Very, very distressing and sad news of a man being found in the water at Scousburgh on Saturday morning. My most sincere condolences to all family and friends 🕊

Saturday, 28 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
AMERICAN COOT still, opposite Noss Junction, Loch of Spiggie.
American Wigeon 1w drk still at Loch of Hillwell.

Friday, 27 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
AMERICAN COOT still, opposite Noss Junction, Loch of Spiggie.
Red-necked Grebe still at Laxo.
Little Auk at south end of Clift Sound, East Burra.
Little Auks x 2 at South Nesting Bay

Headed south to try for the American Coot again, but no luck. Jill and Rob phoned to say they couldn't find it either and that several people had been looking today. Found a Coot on Loch of Spiggie, but it was so distant in my scope, there was no way I could ID it. Another birder joined me and neither of us could be sure, it was a 50/50 situation! Later a message came out at 4.06pm that it had been seen at midday, so its still around somewhere. Dire weather heading our way.

Thursday, 26 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
AMERICAN COOT still at Symblisetter, south end of Loch of Spiggie.
Little Auk at Bay of Quendale.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
American Wigeon 1w. drk still at Loch of Hillwell.

Filled all the bird feeders up and cleaned the drinking pools out. Sent lots of Christmas messages and phoned Lucy and Vivien. My first Christmas at Ladysmith House – all looking very cosy and festive with the woodburner lit too. Cooked a late Christmas lunch of nut roast and all the usual trimmings. Did a Zoom call with Lucy and Vivien, which was really nice. Sadly Ray couldn't join us, as his family phoned him at the same time! Watched lots of TV! Good night!

RBA Weekly Round-Up 17th to 23rd December!

By Jon Dunn

Tuesday, 24 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
No news today.

But incredible news of a Yellow Warbler at New Hythe in Kent today! That would have created a few domestic issues on Christmas Eve! 😉

Video by Matthew Mellor

Another very busy day at work. Lovely to see lots of staff wearing Christmas adornments today! I made an effort with my tinsel hair scrunchie and owl Christmas badge. I was so tired when I got home from all last night's shenanigans, I couldn't do anything but fall asleep. Didn't even cook tea. Not exactly a fun Christmas Eve, but had a lovely video call with Vivien and Ray and then a phone call with Lucy. The heating in Lucy's flat was sorted at 7.30am this morning – for now anyway!

Lucy will be walking across to the main care home to have her Christmas lunch with others tomorrow, which I guess she will be nervous about as she won't know anyone. "Chef Raymond" (Ray) and Vivien (who may wash up if Ray is lucky!!! 😉😘) are having Christmas lunch on their narrow boat. We are all planning to attempt a Zoom call later – if everyone's internet link works, it will be a miracle! Me? Sorting out the empty bird feeders, I might do some flat packing, go for a walk, cook whatever I feel like, don't know yet! 🎄 The weather is going to be dreich here tomorrow. The best day over my five day break is Boxing Day. Sleet forecast next week.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

To my Family, Friends and Readers


Wishing you all a happy and joyful time with your families. If you are spending the day alone as many people are, try and see it in a positive light, no stress, choice of doing whatever you wish, eating whatever you want and when, watching your choice of TV, radio or simply doing nothing at all! Go for a walk, go birding, immerse yourself in nature. Have a happy day 😊

Sending a 🤗 to everyone

Love and Best Wishes

Penny xxx

🎄 💖 😘 ⛄

Monday, 23 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
AMERICAN COOT still, opposite Noss Junction, Loch of Spiggie.
American Wigeon 1w. drk still at Loch of Hillwell.
Little Auks x 4 flew past Sumburgh Head.
Siberian Chiffchaff at West Voe, Sumburgh.

Bufflehead ad. drk still on Da Mill Loch, Isle of Foula.
Glaucous Gull again at Uyeasound, Unst.

A very busy day at work and then a hellish evening with more stress from poor Lucy about the heating and hot water not working, after another tradesman spent 4-5 hours mending it, not! Sent a long and strongly worded email to both managers – Lucy has had enough and I have had enough! Lucy's fan heater arrived for her today, so at least she won't freeze. Then Lucy rang at again at 11pm this evening as she was worried about the boiler making funny and unusual nosies and couldn't get hold of any staff – she did eventually. Hope she is safe in that flat! A fun and festive time!

Sunday, 22 December 2024


Rare  Bird  Alert  News
Kumlien's Gull at Bigton.
Green-winged Teal at Loch of Semblister, SW of Tresta

Bufflehead ad. drk still on Da Mill Loch, Isle of Foula.

Scousburgh Sands

I'm more than probably the last birder in Shetland to go and see the American Coot, so headed south around midday to see if I could see it. With a map of favoured areas kindly sent from Hugh H. I searched Spiggie Loch as much as I was physically able to in the strong winds. I found Whooper Swans, Curlews, a Golden Eye, lots of Wigeon, Mallards, Starlings, Ravens and Hooded Crows. I couldn't even find a Eurasian Coot, but I guess its out there somewhere still. I will have another look over the festive season when I have more time and maybe when its a bit calmer.

Jill and Rob popped round late afternoon and very kindly gave me a Christmas present and card. I now have presents from Vivien and Jill & Rob. Lucy isn't bothering this year she told Vivien and I! At work tomorrow and Tuesday and then off for five days and the same the following week.
