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Monday, 31 August 2020

Bank Holiday Monday Birding!

68 Little Egrets on Patsy's Pool this evening!!!
Titchwell RSPB

Whilst eating my breakfast, the traffic sounded horrendous – a continuous stream of vehicles and I decided I didn't want to join it. This resulted in missing out on an incredible day of birds found in Norfolk, but I didn't want to face what would probably be, the busiest bank holiday on record. I should have got up early before the traffic got bad, but I haven't felt too good this weekend – I simply feel exhausted. Later on I gave in, when a Greenish Warbler was found at The Green in Thornham.

As I drove along the A149, the queue of cars to return south, was stationary from Heacham to the Knight's Hill Roundabout in King's Lynn, so I knew I wouldn't be returning home early this evening! With some of the schools returning tomorrow, it was obvious there would be more returning traffic than normal on a bank holiday Monday.

I parked up at 'The Green' in Thornham and only had to walk 50 yards to the spot where the Greenish Warbler had been seen, but my instinct told me that I hadn't got a hope in hell of seeing it and I was correct! It had been seen briefly just before I arrived, but not many people had seen it from what I heard. Nice to bump into James H. here, can't remember the last time I saw him, must be years ago! He kindly highlighted there was a Lizard sunning itself at the base of a tree stump a few yards away, which I saw. Pat and Geoff also here, Sue B. and John G. and Andy B. amongst others. Lovely views of a Pied Flycatcher on a dead tree, also Great Spotted Woodpecker seen, Chaffinch, Blue Tit and a Heron flew over. I left the small crowd and walked further along the path, but found and saw nothing else apart from a few Black-headed Gulls on the marsh. I could see and hear the tide coming in. From here you can see the Thornham Boat house to the west and Thornham Point to the east. I returned to the now smaller crowd of three birders. Two different dogs annoyed me whilst here, one off a lead which attempted to jump up at me and another scary looking dog appeared in front of me with no owner in sight. Meandered along the path west for a while and tried to avoid the piles of dog sh*t – nothing else seen, so gave up and returned to my car. Chatted to a lovely elderly couple sitting on a seat, who pointed out a distant Barn Owl to me sitting on a fence post. The scary dog I had encountered early was now having a fight/altercation with another couple's dog and I could hear the lady owner saying 'sorry' – had it been on a lead, it wouldn't have occurred! Dogs on leads? – whatever next!

Parked up at Titchwell RSPB and walked to Patsy's Pool and the East Trail. It was bliss, as there was NO ONE else here! Not a dog or a person in sight! The highlight of the entire day was the setting red sun over the pool, whilst counting Little Egrets – they stood in a line, preening and chilling and the sight was stunning. Initially I counted 40, but more Little Egrets kept landing to join them and in the end I counted 68!!! I took several pictures with my iPhone, but several birds had flown off towards the trees when I took the pictures. There was also a Mute Swan on the pool, but no sign of any Great White Egret, which had been seen earlier today. Several Swallows along with 4 Swifts graced the skies and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was heard and seen on a dead tree stump. A Marsh Harrier glided over the reedbeds and a Chiffchaff called. There was a chill in the air and the midges started to descend, so it was time to leave!

Drove home via Choseley Drying Barns. A Common Buzzard flew above me as I drove to the barns and a Red-legged Partridge was on the side of the road as I ascended the hill. I stopped for a couple of minutes to eat a scone and a Hare lolloped past my car door, oblivious to my prescence. I continued through Docking, Flitcham and onto the A148 with no traffic issues, to the Knight's Hill Roundabout and home. I love walking Burnham Overy Dunes and obviously missed out on Wrynecks and a Barred Warbler, but it would have also entailed far more dogs and people than birds and it wouldn't have been that enjoyable. So instead I opted for Titchwell RSPB and to be honest, I'm glad I did – watching all those Little Egrets in the pool as the sun was setting, was an image that I will never forget! Good night!


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Temminck's Stint, Wood Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpipers x 5, Whinchat at Cantley Beet Factory
Pied Flycatcher, Great White Egret at Walsey Hills NOA
Barred Warbler, Wrynecks x 4, Pied Flycatcher at Burnham Overy Dunes
Black Tern juv., Great White Egret at Titchwell RSPB
Pied Flycatcher at Wymondham
Curlew Sandpipers x 12 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Wood Sandpipers x 3, Little Gull, Great White Egret, Whinchat, Spoonbills x 6 at North Point Pools, Wells
Wood Warbler at East Hills, Wells
Barred Warblers x 2, Bluethroat, Pied Flycatchers x 4, Whinchat at Blakeney Point
Little Stints x 5, Curlew Sandpipers x 4, Spotted Redshank, Caspian Gull, Great White Egret, Whinchat at Cley NWT
Little Gull flew past Cley
Little Stints x 3, Great White Egret at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Garganey, Cattle Egret, Great White Egrets x 3, Common Cranes x 4 at Welney WWT
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at South Dunes, Long-tailed Skua flew past Winterton
Wryneck at Muckleburgh Hill
Wryneck at Weybourne Camp
Spoonbills x 22 at Stiffkey Fen
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at The Green, Thornham
Hawfinch at School Road Back, Great Yarmouth
Curlew Sandpipers x 2 at Snettisham RSPB
Red-backed Shrike 1w., Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Waxham
Whinchats x 2 at Gramborough Hill
Great White Egrets x 2 at Holme Dunes
Curlew Sandpiper flew past Sheringham
Whinchat at Beeston Bump, Sheringham
Wood Warblers x 2, Hawfinch, Pied Flycatchers x 4 at Eccles-on-Sea
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 2 SE end of Nelson Head Track, Horsey
Short-eared Owl at Burgh Castle
Great White Egret at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Dotterel flew over Choseley Drying Barns
Spoonbills x 4 flew over South Beach Heacham
Whinchat at Kelling Water Meadows


Sunday, 30 August 2020

The Vanishing Glasses & 'Autumn' Birding!

Sunset from Coastguards, Cley

On the afternoon of Tuesday 25th August I mislaid my reading glasses at work, my 'Converse' 52 blue and black glasses that I only purchased just over a month ago. They were in a zipped black fabric case and completely vanished! I returned to where I thought I had left them, which is where I last wrote a set of patient notes and they were nowhere to be found. My colleagues kindly helped to search too and I spent another hour and a half after I finished work, searching every possible place I could think of. I just couldn't believe they had disappeared! It was incredibly frustrating. They might have been moved by a wandering patient and placed on another patient's table or who knows!? Two people were discharged that day, but they didn't have them either when I checked. I reported them missing to all the relevant departments eg Lost Property etc and the night shift team also searched in vain. I just hope they turn up one day, but I don't think they will now. I couldn't be without them, so on Wednesday evening I purchased the same pair again with Specsavers, which cost me another £99!!! I had to muddle through the rest of the week and squint to write my notes, which wasn't exactly much fun.

They weather yesterday was atrocious, with strong NW winds and lashing rain all day long. A few years ago I would have been at The Leas in Sheringham, seated before dawn for a sea-watch, but since my parent's have died, I seem to have lost my enthusiasm for hardcore birding – maybe because they were birders and naturalists, something has died in me too, that's how it feels at times. I still haven't come to terms with their deaths – I miss them both so much. Hopefully I will feel more enthusiastic again at some point. So whilst others were sea-watching, I had a luxurious lay in and long snooze to recover from working. Went to Sainsbury's for a big supermarket shop and collected my new Converse reading glasses from Specsavers, who got them delivered urgently for me – hopefully this pair won't vanish!

I counted at least 30+ House Sparrows on my bird feeders this morning, along with Collared Doves, Blackbird, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Hedge Sparrow and Robin. I have never seen that many House Sparrows in my garden before – they were queuing up, to get on the fat balls and 'Finch Seed' feeder! A wonderful sight, especially when the sun decided to appear at 11.30am. Cleaned the bird ponds out, which were in a real state after yesterday's weather. Had brunch and then went out birding.

The traffic through Wells was shocking and there wasn't much social distancing going on at the quayside, with people sitting on the low wall only inches apart, whilst eating their fish 'n' chips! Expect a second lockdown soon. Garden Drove at Warham produced nothing at all, but bumped into Mike B and his wife, who had just found his third Greenish Warbler at East Hills this year!!! Plus 10 Pied Flycatchers! No campers were on the field where the barn is (next to the concrete pad), but there were still a handful on the seaward side of the hedge. Bumped into Ashley B., his wife Claudia and daughter Alice who arrived as I was just leaving.

The House On The Hill at Blakeney produced a nice little selection of birds in the scrub, including Willow Warblers, Chiffchaffs, Robin, Hedge Sparrow, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Magpies and two Kestrels overhead. I often stop here to search for birds, after finding a Red-backed Shrike here many years ago. Headed to Cley.

Several big motorhomes were parked up at Beach Road, Salthouse, obviously parked up for the night. Walked to Gramborough Hill in my Páramo coat – I don't think I have ever worn this in August! But, it was fabulous to feel cold, much better than being insanely hot! On the pool just before the hill, I watched 5 Dunlin feeding, along with 2 Redshanks and 1 Ringed Plover and on the way back there were 2 Black-headed Gulls. Birds seen in the scrub at the hill were Linnets, Goldfinches and a Stonechat. It was still quite windy, so I'm sure some birds would have been hunkered down. On top of the hill it was extremely windy! Attempted to sea-watch from here, but too blustery. 2 Wheatears appeared on the hill by the wooden seat, which I hadn't expected and also saw a Sand Martin and a Sandwich Tern.

Walsey Hills NOA produced nothing at all. It was the first time I have walked up the steps to the watchpoint since lockdown and was disappointed to see that there are now two pieces of white string across the descending steps and path that goes through the back of the scrub – somewhere I love to meander in search of migrants – I'm guessing this is now out of bounds for net rides. Walked along the bottom public footpath and saw nothing at all. Much better luck on Snipe's Marsh though, with Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Snipe and a Little Egret feeding and another Little Egret perched on a tree at North Forlorn Wood.

Cley Coastguards produced Eddie and Andy J.!!! Plus a little sea-watch to end the day! Med Gull going west, a cracking pale phased Arctic Skua close in, also going west, lots of Little Terns flying through, a Kittiwake, Black-headed and Great Black-backed Gulls, a Fulmar, Oystercatcher and also 2 Spoonbills flew east over Walsey Hills NOA. Big notice in the car park stating no overnight parking, but seven motorhomes obviously hadn't read the notice and nobody to move them on anyway. I really don't know why the NWT don't put a height restriction barrier up, as the parish council have at Holme village car park – it would instantly sort out overnight parking of motorhomes. Wonderful sunset as I left at 8pm.


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Storm Petrel, Pomarine Skua, Long-tailed Skuas x 2, Sooty Shearwaters x 2, Little Gull flew past, Black Guillemot on sea at Cley
Curlew Sandpipers x 5, Little Stints x 3 at Cley NWT
Black Tern, Little Gull at Colney Gravel Pits
Little Gulls x 3, Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 10 at East Hills, Wells
White Stork, Little Stints x 3, Curlew Sandpiper, Garganey at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at South Dunes, Sooty Shearwaters x 10 flew past Winterton
Great White Egrets x 2, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Black Tern, Spoonbills x 6, Sooty Shearwater, Long-tailed Skua at Titchwell RSPB
Curlew Sandpipers x 4 at Snettisham RSPB
Wrynecks x 2, Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Burnham Overy Dunes
Curlew Sandpipers x 6, Spotted Redshank, Cattle Egret, Little Gull at Burnham Norton
Sooty Shearwater flew past Scratby
Leach's Petrel, Balearic Shearwater, Long-tailed Skuas x 7, Pomarine Skua, Sooty Shearwaters x 6, Little Gulls x 5, Arctic Tern flew past Sheringham
Sooty Shearwater flew past Gramborough Hill
Wood Sandpipers x 2, Little Stint at Cantley Beet Factory
Sooty Shearwaters x 5 flew past Happisburgh
Barred Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Blakeney Point
Spoonbills x 2 flew over Blakeney Freshmarsh
Long-tailed Skua, Sooty Shearwaters x 4 flew past Cromer
Spoonbills x 30, Little Gull at Stiffkey Fen
Garganey at Welney WWT
Little Stint at Rush Hill Scrape, Great White Egret at Hickling Broad NWT
Great White Egrets x 2 at Thornham Harbour
Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Holme NOA
Sooty Shearwaters x 4, Spoonbill at Holme Dunes
Black Guillemot, Sooty Shearwaters x 9, Curlew Sandpiper, Arctic Tern, Little Gull flew past Bacton
Long-tailed Skuas x 4, Sooty Shearwaters x 20, Little Gull flew past Mundesley
Curlew Sandpipers x 5 at Dickleburgh Moor NR

Flew past North Ronaldsay, Orkney

Saturday, 29 August 2020


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Great Shearwater, Storm Petrel flew past Walcott
Curlew Sandpipers x 3 at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Sabine's Gull, Long-tailed Skuas x 2 flew past Cley
Little Gulls x 3, Curlew Sandpipers x 5 at Cley NWT
Storm Petrel, Long-tailed Skua, Pomarine Skuas x 2, Sooty Shearwaters x 3, Scaup, Little Gull flew past, Curlew Sandpiper, Garganey at Sheringham
Great White Egret at Horsey
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Waxham Dunes
Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Spoonbill, Pied Flycatcher (found dead) at Snettisham RSPB
Wood Sandpiper at Cantley Beet Factory
Curlew Sandpiper, Turnstone, Little Stints x 2 at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Little Stints x 2, Curlew Sandpiper at Rush Hill Scrape, Hickling Broad NWT
Sooty Shearwater flew past, Pied Flycatcher in valley at Winterton
Garganey x 2 at Welney WWT
Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Great White Egret, Spoonbill at Titchwell RSPB
Long-tailed Skua, Little Gull, Curlew Sandpiper at Weybourne Camp
Scaup flew past Sidestrand
Pomarine Skuas x 2, Sooty Shearwaters x 2, Little Terns x 3, Arctic Tern, Little Gull at Holme
Spoonbills x 2 at Blakeney Freshmarsh
Pied Flycatcher at Blakeney Point
Long-tailed Skuas x 2 flew past Hunstanton Cliffs
Black Terns x 2, Little Gulls x 2, Little Terns x 3 at Lynn Point, King's Lynn
Sooty Shearwater at Mundesley

Off Mizen Head, County Cork, Ireland


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Wood Sandpiper flew over Nunnery Lakes NR, Thetford
Osprey flew over West Runton
Curlew Sandpipers x 5, Little Stint at Rush Hill Scrape, Great White Egret at Hickling Broad NWT
Great White Egret, Wood Sandpiper, Garganey x 2 at North Point Pools, Wells
Wood Sandpiper, Little Stint at Cantley Beet Factory
Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Spoonbill at Breydon Water
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Long-tailed Skuas x 4 (plus probable juv. pale morph on reedbed pool), Arctic Terns x 2, Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Little Stint, Spoonbills x 17, Great White Egret, Little Gull at Titchwell RSPB
Wryneck, Pied Flycatchers x 3 at South Dunes, Winterton
Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Little Stint, Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshanks x 14 at Snettisham RSPB
Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank on marsh at Holme Dunes
Wryneck, Pied Flycatchers x 6, Spoonbill, Little Stint at Blakeney Point
Wryneck (possibly two), Pied Flycatchers x 8, Wood Sandpiper at Burnham Overy Dunes
Curlew Sandpipers x 8, Great White Egret at Cley NWT
Long-tailed Skua flew past Cley
Balearic Shearwater, Black Terns x 4 flew past Mundesley
Black Tern flew past Trimingham
Great White Egret on lake at Holkham Park


Thursday, 27 August 2020


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Turtle Dove, Little Stints x 2, Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Spotted Redshank, Spoonbills x 9, Great White Egret at Titchwell RSPB
Pied Flycatcher at Waxham
Scaup, Curlew Sandpipers x 7, Osprey at Breydon Water
Turtle Doves x 4, Curlew Sandpipers x 4, Wood Sandpiper at Snettisham RSPB
Osprey at Burgh Castle
Pomarine Skuas x 2 flew past Weybourne Camp
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Short-eared Owl flew in off sea at Cley
Curlew Sandpipers x 4, Great White Egret at Cley NWT
Garganey x 2, Wood Sandpipers x 2, Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint at Cantley Beet Factory

Pendeen Watch, Cornwall

Wednesday, 26 August 2020


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Long-tailed Skua, Pomarine Skuas x 4, Sooty Shearwater, Roseate Tern, Black Terns x 2, Arctic Tern, Curlew Sandpipers x 7, Black Guillemot flew past beach car park at Cley
Long-tailed Skuas x 6, Pomarine Skua, Sooty Shearwater, Purple Sandpiper, Black Terns x 2, Arctic Terns x 2, Black Guillemot flew past Sheringham
Spoonbills x 12 at Thornham Harbour
Long-tailed Skua, Pomarine Skua, Black Guillemots x 3, Red-necked Grebe, Sooty Shearwaters x 2, Black Terns x 2, Curlew Sandpiper, Garganey x 2 flew past Weybourne Camp
Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshanks x 14, Curlew Sandpiper at Snettisham RSPB
Wood Sandpipers x 2, Great White Egrets x 2, Garganey x 2, Spoonbill, Curlew Sandpipers x 2 at North Point Pools, Wells
Osprey, Black Terns x 3 flew over Salthouse
Pomarine Skua flew past Waxham
CITRINE WAGTAIL 1w again, Spoonbills x 5, Great White Egret, Caspian Gull, Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper, Little Stint at Titchwell RSPB
Long-tailed Skuas x 2, Pomarine Skua, Black Tern at Winterton
Spoonbill at Blakeney Harbour
Spoonbills x 2 at Stiffkey Fen
Hen Harrier at Holme Dunes
Pomarine Skua flew past South Beach, Heacham
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Wood Sandpiper at Dickleburgh Moor NR
White Stork (ringed) at Rockland St Mary

Lundy, Devon
Possible, flew past Hartlepool Headland, Cleveland

Tuesday, 25 August 2020


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Curlew Sandpiper, Spoonbills x 4 at Titchwell RSPB
Spotted Redshanks x 15 at Snettisham RSPB
CITRINE WAGTAIL adult male flew past Coastguards at Cley
Long-tailed Skua, Pomarine Skua, Curlew Sandpipers x 3 flew past Cley
Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Arctic Tern at Cley NWT
Caspian Gull at Cromer
Wryneck, Turtle Dove, Great White Egrets x 2 at Holme Dunes NWT
Long-tailed Skuas x 2 flew past Sheringham
Long-tailed Skuas x 3 at Waxham
Wood Sandpiper, Great White Egret at North Point Pools, Wells
Purple Heron flew over Ormesby Little Broad
Black Tern on sea at Winterton

Flew past Berry Head, Brixham, Devon
Flew past Porthgwarra, Cornwall

RBA Weekly Round-Up 18th to 24th August!

By Jon Dunn

Monday, 24 August 2020


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White Stork in field at Rockland St Mary
Curlew Sandpiper, Great White Egret, Spotted Redshank, Spoonbills x 2 at Breydon Water
Curlew Sandpipers x 3 at Cley NWT
Garganey at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Cattle Egrets x 6, Great White Egrets x 2 at Burnham Norton
Wryneck, Osprey at Holme Dunes NWT
Caspian Gulls x 6 at Cromer
Red-necked Grebe, Curlew Sandpiper, Great White Egret, Spoonbill, Spotted Redshanks x 2 at Titchwell RSPB
Turtle Dove (recently) at Titchwell RSPB
Great White Egrets x 2, Short-eared Owl, Common Cranes x 2, Garganey x 4 at Welney WWT
Great White Egret at How Hill NNR
Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows
Wood Sandpipers x 3 at Cantley Beet Factory

North Ronaldsay, Orkney

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Weekend Update: A Day With My Sisters & A Fabulous Icterine Warbler!

In Oak Tree at 7.25pm – Gramborough Hill, Salthouse
Camera wouldn't focus in awful light – worst picture I have ever taken of an Icterine Warbler!
Here is a better one!

Saturday was spent with my sisters Vivien and Lucy. It was the first time since lockdown that we had spent a really nice day together and away from King's Lynn! We started off at Castle Rising Tearooms, as this is one of Lucy's favourite places to eat. Lucy had to sit in the back of my car and we both had to wear masks. Vivien drove her car from Ely. We met up at 11.15am for lunch and arrived extra early, to ensure we got an outside table. Vivien arrived just before us and managed to get the best table in the garden in a shady spot. After having early lunch at 12pm, we had left by 1pm, which was a good job as it became extremely busy and there were several barking dogs in the garden.

We spent the afternoon at Holme Bird Observatory – as soon as we parked up on the NOA car park it started to rain, so we had to delay our ramble for a few minutes. We walked across to the dunes and then along the path through the pines to the observatory, where we chatted with Sophie (Warden) and her mother Jenny. It was extremely windy, but with the sun out it was lovely. Lucy was really excited to see a lovely green Common Lizard, that Sophie spotted basking on the sandstone rocks by the Globe Buddleia. There were big numbers of Silver Y moths – can't remember the last time I saw that many! Red Admirals were also seen and Dragonflies were whizzing round the pond. It was an idyllic afternoon and brought back many happy childhood memories of time spent here with our parents. We paused momentarily at the spot where our parent's ashes are. There was a Wryneck showing on the NWT Forestry but Lucy didn't want to walk that far, so we left.

Spent the evening back in my garden and I made us all cheese on toast, whilst we watched the House Sparrows, Collared Doves, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Blackbird, Robin and Hedge Sparrow. We sat and reminisced, discussed Ray's forthcoming 60th birthday, Christmas, life and our futures!!! Later on I discovered that Sue G. had kindly sent me a link to a fascinating lady's blog, about her move to Shetland this August – here it is:

I felt exhausted and sadly had a wasted day........ mostly. Arrived at the NOA car park to look for the Wryneck. Cutting things fine was an understatement, as I started walking west to the NWT Forestry at 4.45pm. Passed Gary (Warden) and I knew I had to be out of there by 5pm when the reserve closes! It poured with rain and I got soaked. Sheltered under the pillbox for a couple of minutes and then continued walking in rain. Through rain splatted binoculars I searched hard at the spot where the Wryneck favours, but I failed miserably. But, I did see a Whinchat and 2 Stonechats! Walked off the Forestry onto the Firs Road, to return to my car just in the nick of time at 5pm, phew! Continued to scan hawthorns and scrub for the Wryneck, but no luck. I could see two birders scanning from the coastal footpath, but don't know if they had any luck. Any sensible person would have now returned home, but I drove all the way east along the coast road to Salthouse! I couldn't resist seeing an Icterine Warbler, plus I couldn't remember the last time I saw one.
Sunset from Gramborough Hill, Salthouse

On route I stopped at the 'House on the Hill' at Blakeney to look for migrants, but none seen. I got lucky here once and found a Red-backed Shrike, many years ago. Continued east and parked the car up along Beach Road at Salthouse. Lots of camper vans were parked up for the night. Walked to Gramborough Hill and found Carl and Tania Chapman, Mark Clements and another birder. Carl said 'you're cutting things fine Penny' I was indeed! They had seen the Icterine Warbler, but it wasn't showing now. I was told there were several Willow Warblers in the scrub. 5 minutes later they all left and I was alone. There were indeed several Willow Warblers, but at 7.25pm I had brilliant views of the stocky Icterine Warbler feeding amongst the boughs of the oak tree, in the centre of the scrub and again at 7.35pm! I was so pleased I made the effort to get here! The light was still good, but not good enough for my camera, which wouldn't focus and resulted in the worst ever picture I have taken of an Icterine Warbler, hey ho! Climbed up to the top of the hill and took some pictures of the beautiful sunset. Pink gulls flew over in cerise skies. Drove home and arrived back at 9.15pm!


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Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Wood Sandpiper, Little Stint, Caspian Gull at Cley NWT
Pomarine Skua, Long-tailed Skua flew past, Red-necked Grebe at beach car park at Cley
Wood Sandpipers x 3, Garganey x 6 at North Point Pools, Wells
Wood Sandpiper, Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Icterine Warbler, Whinchats x 4, Wood Sandpiper flew over at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse
Wryneck, Whinchats x 2 at Holme Dunes NWT
Pied Flycatcher at Kettle Hill, Blakeney
Wood Sandpiper at Potter Heigham Marshes
Wood Sandpipers x 2, Turnstone juv. at Dickleburgh Moor NR
Cattle Egrets x 4, Spoonbills x 4, Little Stint at Burnham Norton
Black Tern, Curlew Sandpiper at Snettisham RSPB
Caspian Gulls x 3 at Cromer
Curlew Sandpipers x 2 at Breydon Water
Spoonbills x 43 at Stiffkey Fen
Wood Sandpipers x 2 at Cantley Beet Factory
Pied Flycatcher at Beeston Common, Sheringham
Wood Sandpiper, Snipe at Walsey Hills NOA
Garganey x 2 at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Spoonbills x 10, Curlew Sandpiper at Titchwell RSPB
Pomarine Skua flew past Mundesley

North Ronaldsay, Orkney

Saturday, 22 August 2020


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Great White Egrets x 4 at Hockwold Washes
Spoonbills x 46 at Stiffkey Fen
Turtle Dove at Snettisham RSPB
Spoonbill at Hickling Broad NWT
Whinchats x 2 at Nelson Head Track, Horsey
Black Tern flew past Cley
Wood Sandpiper at Cley NWT
Great White Egrets x 2, Common Crane at Welney WWT
Osprey flew past, Spoonbills x 4 Titchwell RSPB
Wryneck at Holme Dunes NWT
Garganey at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Wood Sandpipers x 4, Garganey x 3 at North Point Pools, Wells
Wood Sandpipers x 3 at Cantley Marshes RSPB
White Stork (ringed) at Claxton Marshes
Wood Sandpiper, Whinchat at Kelling Water Meadows
Balearic Shearwater flew past Sheringham

Flew west past Pendeen Watch, Cornwall
Unconfirmed report, flew past Kerry Head, County Kerry, Ireland

Friday, 21 August 2020


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Little Stint at Rush Hill Scrape, Hickling Broad NWT
Osprey, Hobby at North Dunes, Winterton
Pied Flycatcher, Black Terns x 2, Spoonbills x 4, Curlew Sandpiper at Titchwell RSPB
Wood Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Caspian Gull at Cley NWT
Wood Sandpiper at Wymondham
Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Spotted Redshanks x 16 at Snettisham RSPB
Spoonbills x 45 at Stiffkey Fen

Possible, flew south at Chapel St Leonards, Lincolnshire

Thursday, 20 August 2020


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CITRINE WAGTAIL Juv., Osprey, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Spoonbills x 14, Spotted Redshank, Great White Egret at Titchwell RSPB
Osprey at Choseley
Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper at Cley NWT
Pied Flycatcher south of Nunnery Lakes NR, Thetford
Icterine Warbler at Wells Woods
Great White Egret, Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
Garganey x 3 at Buckenham Marshes RSPB
Cattle Egrets x 2, Great White Egret at Burnham Norton
Pied Flycatcher at Weybourne Camp
Pied Flycatcher at Sheringham Cemetery
Whale sp. x 2 off Halfway House, Blakeney
Sowerby's Beaked Whales x 2 at harbour entrance yesterday, off Brancaster
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Wood Sandpipers x 2 at Cantley Beet Factory
Wood Sandpiper, Spoonbill at Potter Heigham Marshes
Wryneck at Holme Dunes NWT
Garganey x 3, Great White Egret at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
ELEONORA'S FALCON 1s. pale morph with Hobby (identified from photos) at 10.26am, North Dunes Winterton
Turtle Doves x 3 at Snettisham RSPB
Wood Sandpiper at Dickleburgh Moor
Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows

North Dunes, Winterton, found by Mick Davis, 2nd for Norfolk!
Flew past Pendeen Watch, Cornwall
Flew past Galley Head, County Cork, Ireland

Wednesday, 19 August 2020


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Black Tern, Curlew Sandpiper at Snettisham RSPB
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Gramborough Hill
Caspian Gull at Salthouse
Pied Flycatcher south of Nunnery Lakes NR, Thetford
GREENISH WARBLER, Icterine Warbler, Black Tern at Holme NOA
Wryneck at Holme NWT
WHITE-TAILED EAGLE (from Isle of Wight reintroduction scheme), Osprey at Dersingham Bog
Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Weybourne Camp
Icterine Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Wells Woods
Garganey, Wood Sandpiper at North Point Pools, Wells
Pied Flycatcher at Sheringham Cemetery
Wood Sandpipers x 2 at Cantley Beet Factory
Spoonbills x 19 at Titchwell RSPB
Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows
Pomarine Skua, Wood Sandpiper at Cley NWT
Great White Egrets x 14 at Holkham Freshmarsh

Flew past Pendeen Watch, Cornwall
Flew past Porthgwarra, Cornwall

Tuesday, 18 August 2020


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Cattle Egrets x 3, Great White Egret at Burnham Overy Staithe
Pied Flycatcher at Burnham Overy Dunes
SARDINIAN WARBLER on Sunday at South Dunes, Winterton
Wood Sandpipers x 3, Garganey x 5, Spoonbills x 2 at North Point Pools, Wells
GREENISH WARBLER, Icterine Warbler, Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 4 at Wells Woods
Spoonbills x 5 at Breydon Water
White Stork (ringed) at Claxton Marshes
Common Cranes x 4 at Welney WWT
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatcher at Holme Dunes NWT
Icterine Warbler, Great White Egrets x 3 at Holme NOA
Ruddy Shelduck at East Wretham Heath
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Weybourne Camp
Osprey, Garganey, Great White Egret at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Wryneck at Blakeney Point
Curlew Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper at Cley NWT
Caspian Gulls x 5 at Cromer
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Gramborough Hill
Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Sheringham Cemetery
Spoonbills x 3 at Potter Heigham Marshes


RBA Weekly Round-Up 11th to 17th August!

By Jon Dunn

Monday, 17 August 2020

Birding at Hunstanton, Holme NWT & NOA!

Distantly in the birch tree at Holme Bird Observatory, NOA
Massively cropped, but couldn't get any closer with 300mm lens

I drove towards Hunstanton and still hadn't made up my mind which way I was heading. Parked up and spent some time searching in Boston Sensory garden in Hunstanton – it always looks potentially brilliant, as its just over the road from the Bowling Green and cliff top and looks a nice little refuge for migrants. I have yet to find anything good in there though! Only birds found were Wood Pigeons, Goldfinches and a Robin. Cruised along the cliff top, which was packed out with cars, like it was a Bank Holiday Monday! Unbelievable crowd scenes in Hunstanton! I rang Holme Dunes NWT to ask if yesterday's Greenish Warbler had been seen, I was told it hadn't, but it had been seen at the NOA, so rang Sophie (Warden) to confirm this and it had indeed! So off I headed to Holme Reserves!

The NWT car park was packed out with holidaymakers, which again would not happen on a 'normal' Monday. I parked in the NOA car park and headed to the main bank that leads to the observatory. It was really nice to bump into people that I hadn't seen since before lockdown, including long time friends Pat and Geoff, local Holme resident Phil, Mike S., Keith T., Roger S., a lovely couple from East Norfolk (sorry, can't remember their names) and others. I sat in Richardson Hide for a while, then stood outside and was very lucky indeed – it didn't take too long at all before I had good, but distant views of the Greenish Warbler in the Birch Tree, along with 2 Pied Flycatchers, a Willow Warbler, Goldcrest and in the rest of the scrub, 1 Garden Warbler and 1 Whitethroat. I also got even luckier and managed to get some 'record' shots of the Greenish Warbler, which at that distance wasn't too bad at all with my 300mm lens!
Distantly in the birch tree at Holme Bird Observatory, NOA
Massively cropped, but couldn't get any closer with 300mm lens

It was now really sticky hot and I couldn't stand it any longer, so left and returned to my car and re-parked by the 5-bar gate half way along the Firs Road. I walked to the NWT Forestry, as someone had seen a Redstart there I was told. Nothing to be found at all apart from a pair of Stonechats. Returned to my car and had thoughts about going to look for the Thornham Point Greenish Warbler, so headed to Titchwell RSPB.

It was the first time I had been to Titchwell since before lockdown in March. Within seconds of me parking up in the car park, a torrential storm erupted with torrents of rain lashing down – it lasted for ages and flooded the second car park enough for ducks to swim in! The heavy rain continued, so I put the seat back and attempted in vain to have a snooze. A bit later the pager bleeped up with Icterine Warbler in the bushes by the NOA car park! Bother! Left Titchwell and returned to Holme NOA car park. Bumped into Andy B. and wished him Happy New Year as I don't think I've seen him in 2020! Of course there was no sign of the Icterine Warbler or anyone else watching it or who had seen it. It was high tide so with the sun now out, it was a beautiful scene as I crossed over to the dunes and walked along the back of the pines. I was surprised I didn't see any Pied Flycatchers along here. Walked through HBO and didn't see the Greenish Warbler or any Pied Flycatchers in the birch tree. Bumped into Richard B. and he hadn't seen anything of note either. Headed back to my car and cruised home to King's Lynn. Too tired to process pictures, will sort through tomorrow.


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Pied Flycatchers x 6, Short-eared Owl, Great White Egret, Spoonbills x 3 at Holme Dunes NWT
GREENISH WARBLER, Icterine Warbler at Holme NOA
GREENISH WARBLER in The Plantation, Wryneck, Pied Flycatchers x 9, Whinchats x 18, Spotted Redshank, Spoonbills x 6 at Blakeney Point
Pied Flycatcher, Wood Sandpiper, Garganey x 6, Spoonbills x 5 at North Point Pools, Wells
GREENISH WARBLER, Icterine Warbler, Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 6 at Wells Woods
GREENISH WARBLER at Thornham Point
Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Spoonbills x 3, Little Gull at Titchwell RSPB
Pomarine Skuas x 2 flew past Kelling
Pied Flycatcher, Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows
Short-eared Owl at Breydon Water
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Stiffkey Campsite Wood
Pied Flycatchers x 4 at Stiffkey
Spoonbills x 36 at Stiffkey Fen
GREENISH WARBLER, Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatchers x 15 at East Hills, Wells
Pied Flycatchers x 5 at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Gramborough Hill
Pomarine Skua flew past Coastguards at Cley
Black Tern at Cley NWT
Pied Flycatcher at Warham Greens
Wryneck, Pied Flycatcher at South Dunes, Winterton
Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Sidestrand
Garganey at Welney WWT
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Whinchats x 2 at Trimingham
GREENISH WARBLER 100yds east of west end, Pied Flycatcher at Holkham
Caspian Gulls x 5 at Cromer
Balearic Shearwater flew past Mundesley
Pied Flycatcher at Walsey Hills NOA
Wood Sandpipers x 5 at Cantley Beet Factory

Possible, flew past Cullercoats, Northumberland

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Homes And Businesses Flooded After Heavy Rain Batters The Coast!


Pied Flycatcher at East Hills, Wells
Not one of my best shots, but captivates the afternoon!

A little trip out to East Hills this afternoon with John Furse, Eddie Myers and Richard Webb in very gloomy but 'rare' north easterly winds, produced a Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatchers everywhere, we estimated 12+, Redstart, Whinchat, Stonechats, Willow Warbler, Whitethroat, Kestrels x 2, Wheatears x 2, Wren, Swallows, House Martins, Curlew, Black-tailed Godwits x 4 and a Plume Moth. After much searching there was no sign of Mike Buckland's Greenish Warbler that he had found this morning. I ripped a large hole in my trousers on a sharp twig in the sycamore glade, which was very annoying!
Kestral at East Hills, Wells
Red-backed Shrike at East Hills, Wells
I didn't get any pictures of this bird, but John very kindly allowed me to use his photo for my post
©John Furse

The drive home was horrendous with torrential rain, thunder and lightening – most roads were flooded. Lots of wet gear to sort out when I got back. It felt so good to be out birding again. What an amazing fall of birds today in Norfolk!!! Six Greenish Warblers were found in the county, wow!


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Wood Sandpipers x 3, Little Terns x 7 at Hockwold Washes
Long-tailed Skuas x 2, Pomarine Skua flew past Coastguards, Cley
Wood Sandpiper at Cley NWT
Garganey x 6 in ditch at Wells
GREENISH WARBLER, Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatchers x 12 at East Hills, Wells
Wood Sandpipers x 2, Garganey x 2, Great White Egret at North Point Pools, Wells
Pied Flycatchers x 12 at Wells Woods
Pied Flycatcher at Walsey Hills NOA
GREENISH WARBLER in The Plantation, Pied Flycatchers x 12, Whinchats x 6 at Blakeney Point
Icterine Warbler (possible), Wrynecks x 2, Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Brancaster
Pied Flycatchers x 13 between Horsey Gap & North Dunes, Winterton
Wryneck, Pied Flycatchers x 6, Whinchats x 5 at South Dunes, Winterton
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Happisburgh
Long-tailed Skua flew past Sheringham
Pied Flycatcher at Beeston Bump, Sheringham
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Thornham Point
Black Tern at Breydon Water
Long-tailed Skua flew past Weybourne
Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Weybourne Camp
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Muckleburgh Hill
GREENISH WARBLER, Pied Flycatchers x 5, Whinchats x 2 at Holme Dunes NWT
GREENISH WARBLER west of Joe Jordan Hide, Pied Flycatchers x 5 at Holkham
Spoonbills x 27 at Stiffkey Fen
Wood Sandpiper, Garganey x 2, Spoonbill at Potter Heigham Marshes
Great White Egrets x 4 at Welney WWT
Pied Flycatchers x 4 in Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Pied Flycatcher at Bure Park, Great Yarmouth
Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Spoonbills x 7, Caspian Gull at Titchwell RSPB
Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows
GREENISH WARBLER, Black Tern, Pied Flycatchers x 17 at Hemsby
Caspian Gulls x 8 at Cromer
Temminck's Stint, Wood Sandpipers x 2, Turnstones x 4 at Cantley Beet Factory


Saturday, 15 August 2020


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Pied Flycatchers x 2, Great White Egrets x 3 at Holme Dunes
Pied Flycatcher in scrub opposite toilet block at Holme
Spoonbills x 7, Great White Egrets x 2, Little Stints x 2 at Titchwell RSPB
Wood Sandpiper at East Wretham Heath
SCOPOLI'S SHEARWATER flew SE at 8.20am (FIRST FOR NORFOLK: Mick Fiszer) past Mundesley
Balearic Shearwater flew past Mundesley
Pied Flycatcher, Garganey x 5, Wood Sandpipers x 2, Spoonbills x 3 at North Point Pools, Wells
Icterine Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 11 at Wells Woods
Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows
Balearic Shearwater, Long-tailed Skuas x 6 flew past beach car park at Cley
Pomarine Skua, Wood Sandpiper at Cley NWT
Pied Flycatcher at Gramborough Hill
Pied Flycatcher at Caister-on-Sea
Pied Flycatcher at Walsey Hills NOA
Spoonbills x 40 at Stiffkey Fen
Pied Flycatcher at Caister Road Cemetery, Great Yarmouth
Wood Sandpipers x 2, Spoonbills x 3 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Wryneck, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at South Dunes, Winterton
Cattle Egrets x 3, Great White Egret, Spoonbills x 2 at Burnham Norton
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Pied Flycatchers x 4 at Weybourne Camp
GREENISH WARBLER at Long Hills, Pied Flycatcher at The Hood, Blakeney Point
Caspian Gulls x 9 at Cromer
Pomarine Skuas x 2 flew past Hemsby
Curlew Sandpiper, Spoonbill, Spotted Redshanks x 8 at Snettisham RSPB
Wryneck, Icterine Warbler (probable), Pied Flycatcher in dunes at Brancaster

Flew SE past Mundesley, Norfolk
Recently reported, is a Common Tern (re-identified from video) at Soldier's Point, County Louth, Ireland

Friday, 14 August 2020


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Wood Sandpiper, Spoonbills x 3, Spotted Redshank at Potter Heigham Marshes
Cattle Egrets x 14, Spoonbill at Burnham Norton
Long-tailed Skua, Sooty Shearwater, Little Gulls x 6 flew past beach car park at Cley
Whinchat at Cley NWT
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Gramborough Hill
Wood Sandpipers x 4, Little Stint at North Point Pools, Wells
Whinchat at Sculthorpe Moor Nature Reserve
Long-tailed Skua, Pied Flycatcher at Holme Dunes
Pied Flycatcher at Waxham
Long-tailed Skuas x 2, Little Stints x 2, Curlew Sandpiper, Great White Egret, Spoonbills x 3 at Titchwell RSPB
Pied Flycatcher at Stiffkey Campsite Wood
Spoonbills x 25, Great White Egret at Stiffkey Fen
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Weybourne Camp
Spoonbills x 5 at Thornham Harbour
Garganey at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB
Hawfinch flew over Waxham
Sooty Shearwater flew past Hemsby
Wood Sandpipers x 3, Great White Egrets x 2 at Hockwold Washes
Pied Flycatcher in garden at Langham Gardens, Blakeney
Pied Flycatcher between Burnham Overy Dunes & Holkham

Soldier's Point, County Louth, Ireland

'The Worst Of Human Nature': UK Staycationers' Trail Of Destruction

Thursday, 13 August 2020


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Icterine Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 4 at Wells Woods
Garganey x 3, Wood Sandpiper, Spoonbills x 5 at North Point Pools, Wells
Great White Egret, Little Stints x 2 at Titchwell RSPB
Cattle Egrets x 5, Spotted Redshank at Burnham Norton
Spoonbills x 10 at Thornham Harbour
Pied Flycatcher, Common Redstart, Great White Egret at Walsey Hills NOA
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Wood Sandpiper at Hickling Broad NWT
Caspian Gull at Cromer
Wood Sandpiper flew along River Nar towards outflow at King's Lynn
Southern Migrant Hawker Dragonfly at Thompson Common
Pied Flycatcher at South Wood, Winterton Dunes

Soldier's Point, County Louth, Ireland

Wednesday, 12 August 2020


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Red-backed Shrike at Thornham Point
WHITE-TAILED EAGLE at Bawsey Quarries
Pied Flycatcher at South Dunes, Winterton
Spoonbills x 2, Little Stints x 2, Spotted Redshanks x 5 at Snettisham RSPB
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Honey Buzzard flew over Waxham
Icterine Warbler, Pied Flycatcher at Wells Woods
Spotted Redshank, Spoonbills x 3 at Cley NWT
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Whinchat at Gramborough Hill
Pomarine Skua, Great White Egret at Weybourne Camp
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Trimingham
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Great White Egret, Wood Sandpipers x 2 at Burnham Overy Dunes
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Holme NOA
Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat at Garden Drove, Warham Greens
Great White Egret at Welney WWT
Quail singing at Mulbarton
Crossbills x 20 at Kelling Heath
Spoonbills x 5 at Thornham Harbour
WHITE-TAILED EAGLE flew over King's Lynn
Ruddy Shelduck (hybrid) at Hardwick Flood Lagoon, King's Lynn
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Wood Sandpipers x 3 at Cantley Beet Factory
Caspian Gull, Great White Egret, Little Stints x 2 at Titchwell RSPB

The Warren, Spurn, Yorkshire
Soldier's Point, County Louth, Ireland

When To Watch For One Of The Brightest Meteor Showers This Year!

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

The Hottest Day EVER At Work!!!

I can't recall so many good birds this early in August for many years! Normally I would be out searching for my own Pied Flycatchers etc after work, but we were literally drowning in heat at the hospital with our hot uniforms, aprons, gloves and masks. I have never been this hot and exhausted in my life! We still have three more days of this relentless heat, before the temperature drops! I don't know how much more I can take! I'm not exaggerating when I say most of us were dripping with the heat. What I would give to have some air conditioning!

Each evening after work is a massive effort to simply do the normal chores of having a shower, cooking, washing up, making sandwiches, breakfast etc for the following day, washing clothes, doing the bird ponds, watering the plants and writing the blog! Phew! Its so sticky tonight, I don't think I will be sleeping a wink! Roll on Saturday! I have booked next Monday and Tuesday off as holiday, can't wait!


  For access to full details of daily sightings, please subscribe to one of RBA's Bird News Services  
Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatcher at Thornham Point
Great White Egret, Spotted Redshanks x 2, Curlew Sandpiper, Spoonbills x 12, Little Stint, Caspian Gulls x 2 at Titchwell RSPB 
Purple Heron Juv., Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Burnham Overy Dunes
Richard's Pipit between Horsey Gap & Nelson's Head Track
Pied Flycatcher near cricket pitch at Happisburgh
Spoonbills x 4 at Snettisham RSPB
Turtle Dove at Snettisham Coastal Park
Pied Flycatchers x 2 between Stiffkey Fen & Campsite Wood at Stiffkey
Pied Flycatchers x 11 at Campsite Wood, Stiffkey
Spoonbills x 39, Great White Egrets x 2 at Stiffkey Fen
Pied Flycatcher, Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows
Black Redstart in Thornham
Marbled Moth trapped last night at Cley
Little Stint, Great White Egret at Cley NWT
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Weybourne Camp
Great White Egret, Wood Sandpipers x 5, Garganey x 6, Spoonbills x 6, Little Stint at North Point Pools, Wells
Icterine Warbler, Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatchers x 3 at Wells Woods
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at North Dunes, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at South Dunes, Winterton
Pied Flycatcher at Morston Quay
Pied Flycatcher at Holme NOA
Common Cranes x 4, Great White Egrets x 6 at Welney WWT
Pied Flycatchers x 6 at Holkham Pines
Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Trimingham
Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater flew past Mundesley
Pied Flycatchers x 4 at Waxham
Red-backed Shrike in field opposite golf course, south of River Hun, Hunstanton
Common Cranes x 2 flew over Blundall
Pied Flycatcher at Beeston Bump, Sheringham
Caspian Gull at Cromer

Flew past Spurn, Yorkshire
The Warren, Spurn, Yorkshire
Off Long Craig Point, South Queensferry, Lothian, Scotland
Soldier's Point, County Louth, Ireland

RBA Weekly Round-Up 4th to 10th August!

By Jon Dunn

Monday, 10 August 2020


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Turtle Dove, Great White Egret, Spoonbills x 5 Little Stints x 2,  at Titchwell RSPB
Marbled Moth trapped last night at Stoke Holy Cross
Wood Sandpipers x 7, Spoonbills x 5 at Potter Heigham Marshes
Roseate Tern, Black Terns x 2 flew past beach car park at Cley
Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatchers x 2 at Thornham Point
Pied Flycatcher at Wells Woods
Cattle Egrets x 5 at Holkham Freshmarsh
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Balearic Shearwater flew east at Holme NOA
Marbled Moth trapped last night at North Walsham
Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint, Spoonbill at Snettisham RSPB
Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Redshank at Weybourne Camp
Arctic Terns x 7 at Breydon Water
Common Cranes x 4, Great White Egrets x 4 at Welney WWT
Pied Flycatchers x 3 at South Dunes, Winterton
Turtle Doves x 2 at Dickleburgh Moor
Pied Flycatcher at Brancaster
Pied Flycatcher at Beeston Bump
Pied Flycatchers x 2, Wood Sandpiper at Kelling Water Meadows
Pied Flycatcher at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Wood Sandpipers x 6, Turnstone at Cantley Beet Factory

The Warren, Spurn, Yorkshire
Off Long Craig Point, South Queensferry, Lothian, Scotland