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Thursday, 29 September 2011

Spending Spree!!!

Doing early shifts all this week and its tiring me out. On Monday I will be working in the 'Community' for 3 days a week and on the ward for 2 days each week for 3 months. Most of us have to rotate into the community and although it is interesting working with people in their own homes, I do prefer the action packed ward, but hey ho!

After work this afternoon I went on a spending spree - I have bought a Samsung 'ORANGE' 'Curvy Simplicity' pay as you go, phone at a fantastic price of £12.99. I am so tired of my iphone 'Vodaphone' not having any signal in so many places in Norfolk. Having an 'orange' phone will allow birding friends and family to contact me wherever I am! It also means I can ring anyone, wherever I am too! Going back to the shop tomorrow though as I forgot to ask if they could transfer over all my contacts from the iphone. I hope very much that they can, otherwise I will have the laborious task of adding loads of numbers and names, which will take forever! I will still be using my iphone as my main mobile though.

I have bought a LEKI, Jasper, anti shock walking pole to assist me jumping across creeks! Then I went to TK Max and bought a new pair of Merrell, Goretex walking trainers.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Holme - Gore Point

South east winds enticed me out birding after work but sadly saw very little. Fantastic wader roost though as a perfect pink sun was setting.


Sunday, 25 September 2011

East Hills!!!!!!!

Its been a very long day indeed - but an exciting one!

Burnham Overy Dunes
Got up in the dark and arrived at Burnham Overy Dunes parking spot just after sunrise. Walking out to the dunes with Eddie, we heard a Green Sandpiper, pink footed geese were flying south east, 2 Chiffchaffs in the hedges, robin and a bearded tit in the reed bed. Sat waiting for the Arctic Warbler to reappear so that I could hopefully achieve a nice sharp picture in the sunshine, but alas this was not to be. No sign of the pied fly that was there yesterday either - both birds presumably departed. Good movement of meadow pipits this morning, but little else. James Mc. had had a Richard's Pipit in the stubble field, east of the main road, where the cars are parked this morning. John F. phoned and very kindly asked if I would like to join him to go to East Hills, so off we went to meet John at an agreed time.

My first walk out here was incredibly exciting. Quite a few dykes and creeks had to be crossed and jumped (which a couple were only just made!) and it was an amazing place to be. BUT I certainly wouldn't venture out on my own, its much more complicated than one thinks. As you leave the dune ridge to return, the sands and marshes are vast and its difficult to work out your bearings. Hearing about the 'quick' sand would put you off going alone! But having said all this, the walk out and back was much easier physically, than doing Blakeney Point and much more beautiful. John, Eddie and I met up with James Mc. on the way out and between us we didn't find anything too exciting, although James did grip us off with 3 Lapland Buntings on his route out (not a recommended route, I understand!) and also a redstart later on. Here is the list of birds that we saw out there: spectacular views of a female Peregrine, 1 kestrel, 1 sparrowhawk, 1 song thrush, 1 lesser whitethroat, 1 chiffchaff, 1 reed bunting, 1 robin, 5 little egrets, hedgesparrow, wren and a whinchat. We arrived back mid afternoon.

After walking Burnham Overy Dunes and East Hills, we needed a snooze. We snoozed for an hour!

Please note:
DO NOT VENTURE OUT TO EAST HILLS ALONE - I have waited a long time for someone to take me out here and it needs to be someone that has been out many, many times before. A birdwatcher died out here many years ago. Getting back in time/safely before the tide returns is also not as simple as it sounds, it depends on direction and speed of wind, weather conditions eg if mist came down, even the experienced would not be able to return as there is no definate path at all. Its not a case of just walking out across the marsh, walking on the beach and then over the dune ridge. You have to be walking a particular side of certain creeks one minute, a different side the next etc etc - there is no way I would remember it until I had been out a good number of trips!

Walsey Hills NOA - nothing in here apart from a chiffchaff calling. A few hirundines (mostly swallows) flew south over the bottom willows.

Coastguards - the odd gannet flying past, but little else.

Daukes Hide - too many people.

Teal Hide - 5 Yellow Leg Gulls, 41 Lapwing, 1 juv Spoonbill having a wonderful wash 'n' brush up - this bird arrived quite late in the evening. Huge number of gulls roosting here.


Saturday, 24 September 2011

Arctic Warbler!!!!!!!


Burnham Overy Dunes

Found by Eddie Myers, Richard Ward and Anthony Griffiths

On news of a possible Isabelline Wheater (thanks Stuart!) I left my photo editing and flew out of the door and off to Burnham Overy Dunes! There is so much slow traffic when you want to see a bird - tractors, Sunday drivers bla bla bla! Eddie had beaten me to it from Cley! Pulled up at the same time as Julian Bhalerao and Duncan McDonald and started briskly walking down the track to then hear disappointing news that the Wheatear was in fact a Northern Wheatear! Julian and Duncan walked back to the car, but I stubbonly carried on to join Eddie who was sussing out the wheatear! I passed RM and Steve B. on route who updated me also. I turned right (east) at the end of the track and walked along the dunes. Eddie called me to say there was a pied flycatcher, so at least I had not walked all this way for nothing! So with a spring in my step now, I carried on. When I got within 50 yards of Eddie, he beckoned me with vigorous arm waving to walk to the far left. He did this several times, so obviously I was not walking far enough left. I thought this was a bit over the top for a pied fly, but gave the bird a wide berth anyway. Eddie then phoned me to say that there was an Arctic Warbler in the same bush!!!!!!! (5.50pm) I couldn't believe my luck! I was so glad I had carried on walking out to the dunes. I was now way ahead of all the other birders who had walked back! There I was, watching an Arctic Warbler at 6pm - WOW! Got some record shots, but the light was awful. Eddie phoned the bird out to RBA immediately and it wasn't too long before other birders joined us including R.M., Steve B., Duncan M., Julian B. and Ashley B. The bird was still showing at 6.45pm. We passed 4 birders (2 men, 2 women) going to the see the bird after us. I hope its still there in the morning.

Had fish 'n' chips in Sunny Hunny on the way back home!

Directions: Approx 200 yards east of the end of the board walk in the little hollow of bushes across the other side of the large flat grassy area.

Nice selection of birds at Holme today I see on:

Sandhill Crane in Aberdeen!

Incinerator: Hazardous waste fears - Environment - Lynn News

Incinerator: Hazardous waste fears - Environment - Lynn News

BBC’s Packham to visit Titchwell - Lifestyle and Leisure News - Lynn News

BBC’s Packham to visit Titchwell - Lifestyle and Leisure News - Lynn News

We’re nuts about red squirrels - Lifestyle - Eastern Daily Press

We’re nuts about red squirrels - Lifestyle - Eastern Daily Press

Busy Bee........

With no exciting birds around in Norfolk, I am using this opportunity to get stuck into sorting out thousands of photographs and updating all the pictures on my blog. Yes I know I have said this before, but I am really am this time - honest!!! I hate sitting indoors when the sun is shining, but sometimes you just have to! I have not even added pictures to my Bird Fair posts yet - terrible state of affairs!

There have been some seriously exciting birds elsewhere in the country this week. Here's hoping the winds will turn easterly in Norfolk soon - especially for my October week's holiday! I was lucky last year in October, here's hoping that this autumn will be equally if not more productive!

Hope you all have a lovely weekend - I may escape at some point for some fresh air!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Lucy entertains us!

Did an early shift at work today which mean't I finished at 3.45pm. Went to pick my sister Lucy up and then we went to Holme to visit my parents. Went back to Hunstanton to the Northgate Indian and bought take-aways back home. Had a lovely evening and Lucy played the piano - something she has not done for years. She didn't sound too bad at all, considering she had not played for several years. In fact she sounded pretty good! Lucy went to the Royal College of Music in London and played violin and piano, many years ago now...... long story. As we drove back to Lynn, the rain was and still is torrential with flooding along most of the roads.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Seawatching Bonanza!!!

A beautiful, sunny morning. Arrived at Coastguards at 7am and the shelter was already full! The sea didn't look that exciting, but we had a few surprises in our three hour stint!

Bird of the day was a LAPLAND BUNTING that Eddie locked on to, when it whizzed west past Coastguards!

Cley Coastguards - 7am to 10am

7 Arctic Skuas
2 Bonxies
28 Red-throated Divers
7 Little Gulls
19 Eiders east
7 Shelduck
12 Common Scoter
11 Wigeon west
4 Teal
1 Knot
1 Redshank
1 Lapland Bunting west at 9.20am - flew across to shingle just west of the BP sign and then flew back east to the Eye Field.
Swift circling above with house martins and swallows at 9.48am
Tons of Swallows going west continuously for 3 hours at least.

Eye Field

1 Whinchat on fence 7.59am (ETM)
1 Peregrine west at 8.13am (me, a nano of a second before ETM!)
1 Hobby west at 8.25am (ETM)

Cley Visitor Centre - teabreak.

Walsey Hills NOA

3 male Blackcaps in the bottom Willows.

Eye Field - Wheatear.

Teal Hide, NWT - mid afternoon
Juv Swallow sitting on fence being fed by parents - cute! A Weasel which Eddie spotted and then squeaked out - it sprinted along the bottom of the fence, right in front of my camera! As soon as I fired the shutter it sprinted back the same way!

Cley Visitor Centre - Stem Ginger Ice-cream.

Gramborough Hill
Stonechat and a flock of Goldfinches. 100+ Linnets on the shingle ridge just west of Beach Road.

North Scrape - 6.15pm

200+ Pinkfeet flying east. 5 juv. Curlew Sands amongst usual waders, but no sign of the Pectoral Sandpiper reported earlier today.



Saturday, 17 September 2011

All Balearic'ed Up!!!;

After yesterday"s BP walk we were feeling rough! But still managed to get out at a half reasonable time!

Coastguards, Cley

10.11am 1 Balearic Shearwater going east (picked up by Bas H.). 1 Red-throated Diver, 5 Brent Geese west, 1 Lapwing, 1 Peregrine, 1 Black Tern east at 11.02am, several gannets, 1 Arctic Skua at 11.23am.

Cley NWT Visitor Centre for tea and cheese scone!

House on the Hill, Blakeney

Nothing at all! The path opposite that goes to Blakeney/Morston bank - a few chiffchaffs, long tailed tit flock, chaffinches.

Gramborough Hill
Red Arrows display, but no birds at all.

Walsey Hills NOA
Quite a few chiffchaffs, especially in the bottom willows, tit flock but nothing exciting with them.

Coastguards, Cley - 6.30pm
3 Arctic Skuas east, 1 Red-throated Diver west. 13 Common Scoter, 1 Yellow Wagtail.


Friday, 16 September 2011

Fea's Petrel at Sheringham!!!

Seen at 6.53am by Kevin Shepherd, James McCallum, Phil Vines, Giles Dunmore and only a couple of others!

Sadly I have been standing at Cley Coastguards since 6.35am to 10.35am. Obviously gutted I did not go to Sheringham now!!!

Balearic Shearwater at 7.30am going east (RM). Sooty Shearwater at 9.14am going west. 24 Bonxies, 9 Manx Shearwaters, 20 Red throated Divers, tons and tons of Gannets. Pom skua west at 9.23am. 1 Guillemot west, 1 Razorbill, 1 Arxtic Skua, 16 Common Scoter, 2 more Sooty Shearwaters at 9.33am.

BLAKENEY POINT 12.30pm to 8pm

4 Little Egrets, 1 Curlew, 4 Wheatears, 1 Stonechat, 1 Male Redstart, 1 Greenshank. A continuous stream of gannets going east.

Plantation - 3.45pm: 1 Pied Flycatcher (got a fairly good shot), 1 Garden Warbler eating a pussmoth caterpillar. Common Redstart x 2 at 4.30pm.

Lupins - 5pm: 3 Redstarts, 2 Wheatears, 1 Whinchat, starling and linnets.

Long Hills - 6.28pm: Wheatear

The Hood - Wheatear, Meadow Pipit and 1 Whimbrel.

Got back to the carpark at 8pm!!!

Other news: a short eared owl and a black tern from Coastguards in the evening and also a Basking Shark at lunch time east of Coastguards!!!!


Thursday, 15 September 2011

MEGA - Fea's Petrel!!!!!!

Flew north from North Denes at 6pm!!!!!! Thanks to MAG and John F. for letting us know!

We were just going to end the day in Dauke's Hide, but obviously nipped down Beach Road, pretty sharpish!

Waiting, hopefully at Coastguards!!!!!
With other birders and Wil from RBA who scorched into the carpark, with the smell of burning brakes!!! - we waited in anticipation for this Mega Bird, but sadly this was not to be. I was standing on my new seawatching step, when suddenly the right side of it gave way, which had me in fits of laughter - just as RM and MAG turned up, which I'm sure made them smile! Basically I hadn't extended the leg bits properly! Note to self: check before standing on! 7 bonxies were seen going east and good numbers of common scoter passing through.

Searching for Passerines!!!

Gramborough Hill - 8.50am
Beautiful morning, but chilly. A stonechat perched on the brambles, but nothing else skulking in here.

Kingfisher in North Drain, as we left along Beach Road. Also kestrel, linnets, goldfinches.

Walsey Hills NOA - 9.43am
3 rats by feeders and a few hedge sparrows. Of note were 32 Pink footed Geese flying south east. Along the centre track a good number of birds including male and female blackcaps, chaffinches, common whitethroat, chiffchaffs, a single goldcrest and a few robins.

Cley NWT Visitor Centre - teabreak!

Trimmingham - Scout Hut - 1pm

Parked by the church and walked past the hut on the left side and up the cliff edge. Sadly nothing at all.

Trimmingham Clifftop Wood - 1.20pm
1 Chiffchaff, blackbird, wren, robin.

Overstrand - Cliff Top Cafe for lunch - 2pm
Cranberry Nut Roast with vegetables. Would not really recommend this cafe, vegetables overdone, nut roast just tasted of sage and dogs were allowed to sit in the cafe!! Nice sea view though of where the Albatross was seen!

An amusing notice in the cafe read:

Beeston Bump - 4.15pm
Nothing here apart from a couple of blackbirds feeding on blackberries and a few hedge sparrows sitting in the hedge.

Walsey Hills NOA- 5.45pm
Several chiffchaffs and chaffinches, less birds in here overall than our visit this morning.

Coastguards, Cley

See next post!!!!!!


Wednesday, 14 September 2011

A Lazy Day!!!

Cley Coastguards - 8am

2 Manx Shearwaters, 1 Red throated Diver and not alot else! Beautiful morning though. Tested out my new steel, sea watching step that I bought yesterday - a very good buy and should last a lifetime! 2 Wheatears along Beach Road as we left

Had to go into Holt to do some errands, got a birthday card for a friend and then went into 'Larners' of Holt - what an amazing shop - lots of scumptious, specialist foods!

Coastguards - snooze! late Lunch.

Daukes Hide, NWT - 5pm
Tons of Greylags, Canada Geese, 3 Barnacle Geese, 3 Pink footed Geese, a good number of Ruffs.

Teal Hide, NWT
Hobby scattering everything at 5.53pm. Several Pied Wagtails and 2 Yellow Wagtails, one of which landed on the fence wire at the same time as a Goldfinch was also sitting on the wire, feeding a juv.

Cley Coastguards - With ETM and AJ.
Eddie got me all excited when he thought he had a Leach's very distantly on the horizon, but turned out to be a Swift at 7.05pm! A bar-tailed godwit flew west with several oystercatchers. 2 Dunlin flew west. 1 Red throated Diver westt, 1 Bonxie and 2 Manx Shearwaters west.

Hope it livens up tomorrow!


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Sea Watching all day!

Cley Coastguards 7.35am

Whilst waiting for the Albatross to sail through!!!!!

With several Cley regulars:

3 Arctic Skuas
Several Pintail flew west but can't remember how many
3 Manx Shearwaters
1 pale phase Arctic Skua
3 dark phase Arctic Skuas
1 Grey Plover
Great Crested Grebe

On route to North Hide - two Whimbrel in the Eye Field. From North Hide, usual waders plus 7 Curlew Sandpipers and 1 Little Stint.

Cup of tea in Cley Visitor Centre and a cheese scone. Had a nice chat with Sue.

Walsey Hills NOA
1 Chiffchaff, Comma, several Red Admirals, Speckled Woods, a pair of Migrant Hawkers in tandem.

Sheringham - Lunch
Lunch at Roy Boys Cafe again at Sheringham - see yesterday's post. As we walked past an ironmongers I spotted an excellent steel, fold-up step for short people to seawatch!!! This will be very useful at Coastguards and trying it out for size, I suddenly became taller than Mr Myers!!! Mind you, he'll still see more birds than me!

Sheringham 2.35pm to 7.35pm
48 Manx Shearwaters (Eddie saw 75 - he would!)
2 Sooty Shearwaters
2 Red-throated Diver
1 Kestrel
Tons of Gannets (didn't count them)
2 Auk sp.
15 Arctic Skuas
15 Turnstones
1 Shag - juv.

Eddie sent his list to RBA and obviously saw more than more than me and also because I left the shelter a couple of times to attempt to open RBA on my iphone, but didn't have enough bars on the phone to open the site up. I just hoped that we wern't missing anything major!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Spoonbills breed at Holkham again!!!

Albatross sp. reported at Overstrand!!!!!!

Wow - just noticed on RBA - an Albatross sp. reported west past Overstrand at 6.25pm and then possibly flew back east!!!!!!

Now I wonder what I will be doing in the morning!!!!!

Northern Minke Whale off Coastguards!!!!!!

WOW - What a day!!!

Met Eddie at Coastguards 7am. The sea was very still, not much happening really. A few cormorants flew past, Eddie said that they would be probably be the highlight of the day. A Red-throated diver went west. At 7.38am I picked up an Arctic Skua and 2 minutes later at 7.40am I thought Eddie was joking when he said "WHALE"!!!!!!!! Eddie saw it surface twice - the hump and the small curved fin - probably a Minke he thought (ID'd as a Northern Minke Whale later) - it was going east. I couldn't see it at all, so I then sprinted to the car and grabbed camera, which took me all of a matter of seconds and stood back in place and scanned again, BUT very, very sadly I didn't see it - incredibly frustrating. I put the news out to RBA at 7.42am and soon a few Cley regulars joined us.

We then flew to Weybourne and waited for it there - Steve and Sue joined us. One Arctic Skua was seen, besides several Gannets.

Black Swan flying east at Sheringham.

We then went to the shelters at Sheringham and joined Kevin Shepherd, Phil Vines and another man. John F. was watching from his flat. Very disappointingly we did not see the whale. Apparently it had been seen from the 'Iron Road' after Eddie saw it - don't know who by though. Congratulations to Eddie who has seen whales else where in the UK and all over the world, but this was his first in Norfolk!!! My day improved greatly when Kevin Shepherd picked up a BLACK SWAN - a juv flying south east almost over us (got some pictures) at 9am!!! Two Arctic Skuas were then seen. At 9.30am Kevin picked up a RED KITE in off the sea, going west. At 9.45am the Red Kite turned and went east and crossed over with the Black Swan now going west!!!!!!! - unbelievable that we were seeing a black swan and a red kite in the same scope/bins! I realised how rare it was to see a Red Kite here, when Kevin said he had never seen one come in off the sea!!!!! The sun was now glittering over the waves and the Red Kite looked stunning as it flew against the dark sea - Wow, what a morning! An Auk sp. flew west at 10.17am and Eddie picked up a juv. Shag close in flying west. Several gannets passing through. A turnstone was on the beach along with a young common tern. The action seemed to die down after a while, so we left at 11am.

Phil recommended Roy Boys Cafe (37 Station Road) in the town for a good breakfast, so off we went. I had a fantastic vege breakfast of fried bread, egg, saute potatoes, tomatoes laden with melted cheese, baked beans and toast with marmalade - all excellent for the waist line!!! Scrumptious. Went back to Coastguards where I had left my car earlier. The wind now was very fierce and I could hardly open and close the car door. The sea now looked ferocious. Went to VC for a while and then snoozed in the car in the now hot sunshine.

Had to leave mid afternoon to get back home for a plumber arriving to fit my new shower. All done and completed thank goodness.

Other bird news in Norfolk today: The Little Bittern remains at Titchwell RSPB.

From RBA - MEGA in Cornwall GREATER YELLOWLEGS ad Wadebridge just south of River Camel at Treraven Meadows.


Weather this week!!!

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Little Bittern again!!!

Arrived at Titchwell RSPB at 7.30am.

The Little Bittern had been seen by a couple of people briefly whilst I was there, but not by me or several others. It was sunny but a lot colder this morning and I didn't waste much time in putting on my waterproof mac to keep warm! Eddie told me it was raining heavily in Cley! By 9am I was getting bored so went off round the Fen Trail. I found loads of birds in the large sycamore tree just before the hide: a skulky Garden Warbler, at least 3 Chiffchaffs, male and female Blackcap, a party of long tailed tits, blue tit, great tit, chaffinch and a robin! Oh and I heard a bullfinch too. Sat in the Fen hide eating my marmalade sandwich and coffee fix. I then went back to the Little Bittern spot where I did see it again, but can't remember what time it was to be honest - around 10.15ish I think. The Little Bittern was much more skulky today - yep, even more so than yesterday and much less mobile - it stayed in the far right pool most of the day on and off and you really needed to be 6ft plus for any possible chance of photos. There were as many people there today as yesterday - can't really say how many though, approx 100. There were several people going down the bank a bit too far, including an elderly lady who at her age should know better!!!! 'Big Jake' as he is affectionately known (long time hard-core twitcher from the good old days) was there today - note, he was standing on the path! - nice to see you.

At 12pm I went to the car for lunch - sandwiches today! I had parked in the little lane which adjoins the end of the main footpath so it was nice and quiet and the car was wonderfully warm when I got inside and shut the door, so warm that I felt a snooze coming on - probably due to the fact that I had not fully recovered from my late night out on Friday - too much at my grand old age! Put the seat back, head on my feather pillow and that was it - when I stirred and opened my eyes I guessed it to be around 1pm and was shocked to read my watch saying 1.37pm!!!! Sat munching my sandwiches and drinking coffee to wake up and then went back to see the Little Bittern. I hadn't missed anything at all as it had not been seen for quite a while, but was now on show, well I say on show - on the water's edge with reeds in front - fine if you are taller than me!

Ian Clarke (not a relation!) took a stunning picture of the Little Bittern yesterday (when I was lunching!) here:

Got a text from my younger sister Vivien to say she had just arrived at our parents at Holme, so I nipped over to visit her, being as I had not seen her for ages - I can't remember the last time I saw her which is dreadful really, I used to see her so much more - my fault really.

Went back to Titchwell - stubbonly hoping to get my hoped for picture, but the Little Bittern was still hiding in the same pool and no hope of a picture whatsoever! So I will have to live with my record shots from last night which a couple of people said they would have been happy with them if they had taken them - but me.... no I wasn't! I take my hat off to Phil Vines who was standing patiently on the bottom path and by chance got a fab picture taken on manual setting, when the reeds were blown for a second, just long enough to enable him to take a picture! I also met Stuart and Sue King who read my blog and sent me a lovely email the other day - they are staying in Norfolk for a week's birding this week and GRAHAM if you are reading this - they know you too!!!!! (You all bird at Eyebrook Reservoir and you are known as the 'Masterchef'). I hope you both have a top week's birding and also because I am on holiday this week too (smiley face)!!!!!!!!!!!! Easterlies on Thursday!!!!!! I left Titchwell at about 7.15pm and parked the car on the concrete pad, just east along the road after the Titchwell entrance to sit and have a coffee and a sandwich and I am glad I did! There were 16 Egyptian Geese in the ploughed field opposite and a fantastic sighting of hundreds of Swallows and Sand Martins spiralling high overhead, going west - as they flew over my car they continued towards the setting sun, through pink and orange skies. A beautiful end to the day!

In the Titchwell RSPB Sightings book - 'Cory's Shearwater between 1.55pm and 2.05pm' - it didn't say if it was going east or west - there was a signature (couldn't read it), but didn't know who it was. I phoned this through to RBA which I don't normally do, but thought it was a relevant sighting to let people know about.
No sign of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Titchwell today.
Also no sign of the Pallid Harrier that was seen yesterday.
• Cattle Egret was only seen once in the morning at 8.36am - Titchwell RSPB.
Red-footed Falcon (ad female) near East Dereham at Toftwood at midday then flew south.
Black Tern flew east past Sheringham early morning.

Roll on tomorrow!!!


Saturday, 10 September 2011

Little Bittern, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Cattle Egret, Red Kite - the list goes on!!!!!

WOW What a day!!!!!

An excellent start to my holiday - even though I DID NOT arrive at dawn as planned!!!!!

The only bad thing about today, was the fact I was trying to survive on about 3 hours sleep after my long night out!

Arrived at Titchwell RSPB at just after 9am (ish) and the car parks were already full, so had to park on the side of the road.

Tons of birders waiting to see the juv. Little Bittern. In fact most Norfolk birders that I knew were there and obviously some from further afield. Saw the Cattle Egret perched on the dead trees east of the reed beds, where the egrets and harriers roost. I waited and waited until I eventually had a good but brief view of the juv Little Bittern clambering over reeds and then out of sight at 11.05am for a few seconds only - sadly not quite long enough to press the shutter on the camera though! We were treated to stupendous views of a Red Kite soaring overhead with marsh harriers hassling at 10.30am and it hung around for quite a while. Cettis Warblers could be heard bursting into song. After 3 hours of standing waiting in the same spot in hope of that elusive picture I had to give up at 1.50pm to go to the cafe for lunch with Eddie before they stopped serving at 2pm. BIG MISTAKE! Note to self: 'Always take sandwiches when birding'. I got a phone call to let me know that it was showing at around 2.10pm. By the time we got back to the main path where it had been seen, it was showing (2.35pm), but limited viewing behind reeds - it had been out in the open and the paparazzi had got their pictures - I was not a happy bunny! Oh well, you win some, you lose some!

Eddie and I walked up to Parrinder Hide and had distant but lovely views of the Buff-breasted Sandpiper, loads of pied wagtails, a white wagtail, at least 7 yellow wagtails, meadow pipits, several ruff, redshanks, lapwings, curlew sandpiper, lots of lapwings, 2 snipe, 1 Little Stint and 2 Spoonbills.

Going back along the main path we watched the Little Bittern until 7.43pm this evening and these were my best views. Watched it fishing and got a few records shots - beautiful bird and was my first juv. The last one I saw was an adult at Titchwell a few years ago.

For those of you going tomorrow - it definately helps if you are tall!!!

I have made my sandwiches for tomorrow!

PALLID HARRIER turned up now at Watton this evening!!!
DOTTEREL x 2 at Cley
Pectoral Sandpiper at Cantley.


Friday, 9 September 2011

Party Time!!!!!

Now clubbing - showing the youngsters how to dance!!!!!!!!

So glad I didn't miss the Little Bittern after all!!!!!! I will photograph it at dawn!!!!!!!

Now on a weeks holiday - wahoooooooo!!!!!!!

I am totally sober by the way - the only one here that is!!!!!

Since I always lose 2lbs after clubbing I will be able to have a cheese scone or similar tomorrow!!

Typing all this cos I am waiting for the main dance floor to open at 11.15pm so I can do some serious grooving............

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Brilliant Night!!!!!

This Michael Jackson tribute concert is awesome!!!!

Amir Sharma was a genious. If you closed your eyes - it was like listening to Michael again - and I should know, as I have seen him three times in concert - twice at Wembley and once at Milton Keynes. Amir flew round the stage and matched Michael's energy and performance (almost!) for almost three hours and received the biggest and loudest applause I have ever heard at the Corn Exchange! His backing singers were brilliant as were the guitarist and drummer.

The first half of the concert (there was a 20 minute interval midway) everyone remained seated - which I found very frustrating, I so wanted to dance - how could people stay seated! By the time the second half started, I couldn't stand it any longer - I stood and I danced. It didn't take long for other people to follow suite and by the time "Thriller" was performed, just above everyone was up and dancing!!! The whole place was rocking by the end! A brilliant performance.

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Found this video on youtube of Amir Sharma performing.

Little Bittern - Titchwell!!!

Gutted - can't go this evening!!!!!!

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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Hot Birding!!!

Citrine Wagtail (for third day) still at Cley and also a Cattle Egret! I would have gone over this evening, but the light goes so quickly now in the evenings. Here are some fabulous pictures of the Citrine Wagtail:

Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Titchwell RSPB from Parrinder Hide.

Pectoral Sandpiper at Cantley Beet Factory.

LEAST SANDPIPER in Farlington, Kent!!!

Blog Followers Back, Feeling good!

Just updated Firefox (my web browser) and all 'Followers' have appeared again!

Re: Tonsillitis virus - feel much better today - may have something to do with the fact that I know I am on holiday for a week as from tomorrow!!!

Thank you for all very much for my get well emails and messages - it is much appreciated.

The Ultimate MJ Tribute Show tomorrow!!!

I going to watch Amir Sharma tomorrow "Jackson Live In Concert - The Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Show" in King's Lynn!!!

Playing In The Shadows OUT NOW

EXAMPLE'S Playing In The Shadows OUT NOW
Bought this album yesterday - its awesome!!!!!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Citrine Wagtail at Cley!!!!

From Dauke"s Hide NWT this evening "for 2nd day"!!!!!!!!

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THE BIG YEAR - trailer out now!!!

"The Big Year" is based on Mark Obmascik's book "The Big Year"

This film can be seen in cinemas from 14th October.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Rubbish week!

Soooo fed up with being ill - tonsillitis back again, glands up, exhausted and struggling to go to work. Had a blood test on Monday to find out what is going on. I am on holiday next week, so hope I am feeling better by then! This is getting beyond boring now. Not a good week all round. My shower has packed up and need to buy a new one and find a plumber who I can trust. I was going to B&Q tonight after work to attempt to choose a new shower, but felt so ill I just went home and collapsed on the sofa. It was Alice's last day today at work - very sad she is rotating as she has been a joy to work with, but sadly all Band 5 Physios and Occupational Therapists have to rotate onto another team every four months for two years. I still have not installed my new external hard drives, so obviously have not been able to download tons of pictures off my camera including the Bird Fair yet. Hopefully I will find the energy to do this soon as I am now the most behind I have ever been with sorting/selecting pictures and adding to blog. AND if next door's new Doberman puppy barks and yelps any longer I am going to throw a serious wobbly!!! So selfish to buy a dog and leave it in the house whilst you are at work, resulting in the dog barking, yelping and wining the entire time the owners are not in the house - lovely for the rest of us!!!

I have also lost all my '106 FOLLOWERS' on my blog - don't know where the App. has gone or what has happened!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Rain stops play!!!

Heavy rain most of the afternoon.

2 Great White Egrets were found at Stiffkey by Chris Mills, which sadly I didn't get to see - case of being in the right place but at the wrong time!!!

Holme - Several Common Scoter and 2 Gannets going west.

Morston Quay - whilst looking for the 2 Great White Egrets, 1 Spoonbill and 1 Greenshank.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Searching for Barred Warbler at Warham Greens

Well that's what we were hoping for anyway!!!

I had a lie in this morning as needed it. Yesterday at work I had the start of yes, another sore throat after finishing my second lot of antibiotics in the last few weeks. I gurgled warm salt water last night several times, took nurofen and went to to bed early and today I seem to be fine, thank goodness, hopefully I have finally beaten the tonsillitis!

Met Eddie at Stiffkey Campsite carpark and worked hard to find a Barred Warbler or something! Walked west to the 'whirligig' and sadly saw very little. But it was to be expected really given the winds. Only birds seen were 2 Greenshanks, 4 Whimbrels, a flock of 60+ Golden Plover, little egrets, the odd common whitethroat, hedgesparrows, goldfinches and a few swallows. We walked as far the west track. I was shocked to see by the whirlygig 3 Llamas being walked by people - no I am not making this up!!!! It was incredibly hot now. A pale, chunky warbler dived into a bramble on the way back and absolutely refused to be flushed out! It looked a good candidate for 'barred'.

Went for lunch and then drove along the coast road - tons of traffic, worse than a bank holiday! Visited my parents.

Redwell Marsh Reserve, Holme NOA.

I have never seen so little here - 1 black tailed godwit and a few mallard. Walked along the path alongside the river and up by the standing caravan. On the coastal footpath opposite the pay hut we watched a Turtle Dove come in off the sea and go south at 7.22pm - bird of the day!