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Saturday 3 September 2011

Searching for Barred Warbler at Warham Greens

Well that's what we were hoping for anyway!!!

I had a lie in this morning as needed it. Yesterday at work I had the start of yes, another sore throat after finishing my second lot of antibiotics in the last few weeks. I gurgled warm salt water last night several times, took nurofen and went to to bed early and today I seem to be fine, thank goodness, hopefully I have finally beaten the tonsillitis!

Met Eddie at Stiffkey Campsite carpark and worked hard to find a Barred Warbler or something! Walked west to the 'whirligig' and sadly saw very little. But it was to be expected really given the winds. Only birds seen were 2 Greenshanks, 4 Whimbrels, a flock of 60+ Golden Plover, little egrets, the odd common whitethroat, hedgesparrows, goldfinches and a few swallows. We walked as far the west track. I was shocked to see by the whirlygig 3 Llamas being walked by people - no I am not making this up!!!! It was incredibly hot now. A pale, chunky warbler dived into a bramble on the way back and absolutely refused to be flushed out! It looked a good candidate for 'barred'.

Went for lunch and then drove along the coast road - tons of traffic, worse than a bank holiday! Visited my parents.

Redwell Marsh Reserve, Holme NOA.

I have never seen so little here - 1 black tailed godwit and a few mallard. Walked along the path alongside the river and up by the standing caravan. On the coastal footpath opposite the pay hut we watched a Turtle Dove come in off the sea and go south at 7.22pm - bird of the day!

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