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Saturday 27 November 2010

A "chilled" Day!

Little Egret flying east over Gypsy Lane to roost at Holkham.

Black tailed Godwit in Thornham Harbour, late afternoon.

Well after last night I didn't bat an eyelid until VERY late. In a very sleepy state I looked out of the window half way through the morning at the snow covered world and very quickly dived back under the duvet and finally rose at 12pm!!! Had brunch (sounds posh doesn't it!) and finally got out of the house around 2pm.

Destination - Thornham Coal Barn - yep I was too late.... all the action had been in the morning, with the Northern Harrier giving splendid views whilst I had been sleeping - which serves me right - early bird catches the worm and all that. Around 20 people standing there including Connor, Simeon and Irene. A bit later on Irene, Connor and I sidled off to Gypsy Lane and were then joined by a few others - not alot of point announcing loudly that you're going to Gypsy Lane, as there's only parking for 4 cars max! Walked up the track at Gypsy Lane and watched several Marsh Harriers and 1 ring tail Hen Harrier and several Little Egrets going east to roost at Holkham but no sign of the Northern Harrier coming in to roost. It was bitterly cold, even with gloves on. Trudged back to car and then went to my parents.

Had a wonderful time reminiscing at my parents - will post some fascinating pictures and stories tomorrow night, including info on the Cley Northern Harrier in 1958 and my mother's find of a male Paradise Whydah in 1975!!!

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