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Friday 6 May 2011

EAGLE OWL in Hunstanton!!!!

In the Lynn News today:

I could not find the link on the Lynn News website for this so have typed it out from the paper:

"Eagle owl out for a duckling"

"HUNSTANTON is probably better known for its gulls, fulmars and turnstones, than for owls, but it can now boast its very own eagle owl, know to local residents a Eddie.

Since it appeared on the rooftops of several houses to the north of the town centre, enquiries have been made to various organisations to find out if the bird could have escaped from captivity.

It now seems possible that Eddie is on a working holiday from Scandinavia and is preying on the resort's ducklings.

Indeed, he may be the chief culprit in the startling decline of the 13 ducklings born to a mother duck who colonised a hanging basket outside Scent with Love, the florists in Greevgate."

A duckling to an eagle owl would be the equivalent to a biscuit to you or I. What I would have preferred to read is "It now seems possible that Eddie is on a working holiday from Scandinavia and is preying on the resort's dogs."........... OK that was wicked I know, sorry to all you dog lovers!!! I bet its taken some cats if its been around for a while! Plenty of rabbits for it too of course.

On a serious note I am looking forward to finding out where this owl is!!!

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