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Saturday 23 July 2011

Cley all day

East Bank, Cley - 8.20am

Walked along the East Bank with Eddie M. Lots of looming clouds overhead! An Arctic Tern sat on Arnold's Marsh along with Common and Sandwich Terns. On the way back, I had to shelter under an overhang of reeds below the bank, as the rain fell down heavily!

Coastguards - 9.50am.

10 Common Scoter, 2 Manx Shearwaters, 1 Fulmar, lots of Little Terns, Gannets, 2 Arctic Terns, 12 Whimbrel. Went to the visitor centre at 11am and broke diet with cheese scone, whilst chatting with Andy J. and Eddie M. Back to Coastguards again produced 4 more Arctic Terns, 1 Whimbrel, 2 Common Scoter, Gannets, Little Terns and 2 Manx Shearwaters by 12.20pm. After lunch

Stiffkey Fen

With Eddie M., M.G. and Steve B. A good number of Med. Gulls, a Green Sandpiper and usual avocets, greylags, shelduck, redshanks, LRP etc etc.

Coastguards - late afternoon.

Stood on the shingle in wind and cold conditions with Pete S., Andy J. and Eddie M. to look for a Storm Petrol that had been seen going west at Sheringham, but sadly no luck! A Whimbrel was seen going west, 2 more Arctic Terns and more little terns and gannets, but not much else.

A wonderful vegetarian meal in "The Three Swallows" in Cley with a friend. I had never been in this pub before - really nice atmosphere and lots of fascinating old pictures of Cley on display.

North Scrape - until sunset

15 Whimbrel flew over. An excellent count of 92 Dunlin. 5 Spoonbills, 1 Yellow leg Gull, 2 Little Ringed Plovers. The spoonbill count increased to 16 in flight! Lots of avocets and usual waders.

The sun setting was the sunniest and most beautiful part of the day!

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