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Thursday 5 April 2012


At last!!!!!! Time off work – Good Friday and Saturday off, working on Sunday and then Bank Holiday Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off – fabulous!!!

I am so sad – only had the car under two weeks and tonight I washed it!!! I am sure I won't keep that up! I realised how short I am, when I couldn't reach the centre of the car roof to wash it – I didn't have a problem with the Hyundai Coupe as it was such a low car!!! I will have to find a box or step to stand on next time! I have continued to cycle to work in the week, as it saves money and also stress trying to get the car in and out of the drive.

Its been such a diverse week with the weather – from uncannily hot weather and then back to cold, wintery conditions – yesterday it poured with rain all day and today it was sunny all day. What will tomorrow bring? Well, studying the forecast it looks like sunshine most of the morning and then developing into cloudy/rainy conditions from then on. The whole weekend doesn't exactly look too cracky, but hey ho!

I succumbed to buying hotcross buns from Tescos this evening - oh dear!

and Happy Birding!

Birds seen in Norfolk today – Rare Bird Alert:

Great Grey Shrike, Southrepps found by Mark Golley whilst on the train!
Red Kite, Fakenham
Four Garganey, Hockwold Washes
Ring Ouzel, Gore Point, Holme
Black Redstart, Gorleston
Sacred Ibis, Welney
Water Pipit, Titchwell RSPB

Other birds of note this week were an Osprey flying west along the beach at Holme on the 3rd April, a Glaucous Gull at Sheringham on the 2nd April and a Richard's Pipit at Kelling on the 1st April.

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