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Monday 23 July 2012

Adders and Grass Snakes take over at work!!!!

Slight exaggeration!!!! But several Adders and Grass Snakes have been seen over the last few weeks with more than several seen this weekend, basking in the sunshine in the staff carpark!!! One nursing auxiliary took a picture of a large female Adder on her phone this weekend and was horrified when I told her what it was and that it was poisionous. Another member of staff said "they will have to do something about that"!!!! In reply I explained that there is nothing anybody can do about Adders as they are a protected species and are not harmful unless provoked. I myself had a brief view of a very large grass snake slithering away into the bracken only a couple of weeks ago. One adder had been run over by an ambulance this weekend I was told. I spent a while looking for them lunchtime, but not an ideal time to find adders in the hottest part of the day, so I gave up and sat under the shade of a large oak tree for my lunch – I made sure I had a good look before I sat down! The land adjacent to the hospital is part of the NWT Roydon Common which is a stronghold for Adders in Norfolk. Some information on Adders is here.

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