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Thursday 1 November 2012

Miss Money Penny!

I had another extravagant day. Anyone would think I have won the lottery the amount of pennies I have been spending recently! I surely must be one of Cleyspy's best customers! I bought the secondhand Swaroski 8.5x42 EL's that I looked at recently. I haven't actually got them yet though as they are being sent off to see if I can get something updated on them. I spent awhile comparing them properly with the new 8x32 EL's and the 8x42 SLC's and I still preferred the secondhand ones, they just simply seemed clearer in poor light. Cleyspy will send the Leica's off for me when I get the new bins back and we'll see what Leica will do for their 30 year warranty – will keep you all posted on that. I really like all the staff at Cleyspy they have always been so helpful and take the time to advise and assist you, nothing is too much trouble. My spending spree had now officially stopped and I will have to work very hard throughout the winter months doing bank shifts to keep the bank account healthy!

Went to lunch at the 'Art Cafe' a few yards from Cleyspy - the best cafe ever, see my review in previous post.

Spent the afternoon birding, but pretty dire really. Walsey Hills produced a chiffchaff, robin, coal tit and heard a bullfinch calling.

Dauke's Hide NWT – slightly better here, did see one of the White-rumped Sandpipers and also barn owl, marsh harrier, 2 ringed plovers, 1 chiffchaff (on reeds), 14 pied wagtails, few dunlin, 2 avocets, wigeon, teal, brent geese (on route to hide) and a massive starling flock.

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
White-rumped Sandpiper at Cley
Great Grey Shrike and Black Redstart at Snettisham Coastal Park
Shorelark at Salthouse
Black Redstart at Waxham and Heacham
Waxwings and Snowbuntings at various locations along the coast
Black Guillemot, 2 Little Auks and Red-necked Grebe at Sheringham
Richard's Pipit Kelling
Yellow-browed Warbler at Wells 
Red-necked Grebe, Slavonian Grebe, Great Northern Diver, 4 Long-tailed Ducks and Velvet Scoter at Titchwell
Hen Harriers at Stiffkey and Horsey
Night Heron - unconfirmed report this evening    


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