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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Titchwell RSPB

Jobs to do this morning etc etc. Visited parents as not seen them for a while and then went to Titchwell.

Thousands of gulls in a feeding frenzy at Titchwell RSPB this evening, both on the fresh marsh by Parrinder Hide, on the shore and also at Thornham Point. I can't ever remember seeing that many gulls – they were jostling for space on the islands and the water!!! Couldn't see any Little Gulls though. Loads of washed up starfish amongst the razor wreck. Also found a whole Sea Urchin which is very unusual – I used to find loads as a youngster, but they are hard to find nowadays. Five Little Egrets flew east over the main path to roost. Good numbers of avocet, but didn't count them, shelducks, teal, shoveler, mallard, cormorants, good numbers of brent geese, greylags, 2 marsh harriers. The biting east wind whipped through my gloves, as though I had none on, but my paramo coat, with layers underneath kept out the wind very well. The sand has built up to a mini sand dune at the end of the main path and the seat is almost immersed!

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