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Friday 19 April 2013

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
White Stork, Black Redstart x 2 at Great Yarmouth
Montagu's Harrier at Northrepps
Firecrest at Great Yarmouth
Bearded Tits x 2 flew over Overstrand
Arctic Tern x 2 at Whitlingham Country Park
Long-eared Owl, Firecrest, Tree Pipit, Redstart at Winterton
Slavonian Grebe at Filby Broad
White Stork x 2 at Berney Marshes RSPB
White Wagtail x 4 at Cley NWT
Arctic Tern x 3 at Hardley Flood
Common Cranes x 2, White Stork x 2 flew over Halvergate Island
Common Cranes x 3 flew over Bradwell
Ring Ouzel at Burgh Castle
Pied Flycatcher at Horsey
Garganey x 3 at Hickling Broad
Whinchat at Titchwell RSPB
Redstart at Shereford
Long-eared Owl at Hemsby
Osprey x 2 flew over West Winch on Tuesday
Pied Flycatcher, Firecrest at Wells Woods
Redstart, Whinchat x 2 at Gramborough Hill, Salthouse
Redstarts x 4 at Holme NWT and Ring Ouzel at Holme Marsh Reserve
Common Cranes x 2 at Welney WWT

Nice selection of birds at Holme Bird Observatory – see HERE

Also some lovely pictures of birds today HERE

My mother said she has never seen so many chiffchaffs as she did this morning, when out birding at Holme.

My bird of the day at work was a lovely male Blackcap with a great tit at the top of a fir tree right outside the window. Collared Doves, blackbirds and robins feeding on the grass below the window and several Chiffchaffs singing at lunchtime in the wood as I sat in my car.

Looking forward to birding tomorrow. Several things in life right now making me angry, cross, frustrated, sad and unhappy – caused by other people. I am going somewhere to escape most of the human race tomorrow – I need solitude, fresh air, blue skies, birds and the sea – all of these give me peace and happiness.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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