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Thursday 9 May 2013

Hot Birding at Cley this Evening?

No way, it was cold, raining and incredibly windy!!!

I had to deliver something to Sheringham this evening, so went to Cley for a spot of birding afterwards. Stopped at Walsey Hills NOA to have my tea and then had a quick walk round – only found a lone Chiffchaff and heard a Cettis's Warbler. An ivy covered tree had fallen down in the winds, partially blocking the bottom path at the very end – I attempted to move it out of the way, but without much success.

On route I chatted to Eddie briefly who was on his way home, as there was 'nothing much doing'. You know its not a particular good day for birds if Eddie goes home in daylight!!! Parked at Coastguards and battled my way in the winds, up as far as the cattle to watch 2 Yellow Wagtails flitting about which was nice. Lots of swallows skimming through low through the herd of cattle, starlings and oystercatcher on the marsh. Lots of endearing calves looking fed up in the wind. Walked back and then parked at Cley Visitor Centre carpark and walked to Bishop's hide where I sat until 9pm. A least 6 Ringed Plovers with 4 Dunlin, 2 Pochard,  Shoveler, Shelducks, Teal, Tufted Ducks, Coots, Redshanks, 1 Common Sandpiper, lots of noisy Greylags, Marsh Harrier, lots of Avocets and 5 Little Egrets flew west.

Not an ideal day for driving a long way, the wind really rocked the car! Got home safely anyway. Roll on end of Friday!

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