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Thursday 5 September 2013


I am on holiday from tomorrow afternoon for a week, (although working all day on Sunday) – can't wait!!!!

I also have been invited to a spectacular Wedding on Saturday 14th September. A young lady I used to nanny for called Allegra, very kindly invited me to her wedding and receptions! Allegra was one and a half years old when I was nanny to her and I was aged 19 or 20 at the time. She was massive fun to look after and I have many happy memories of my time spent with her family. Allegra is now 27 years old and has grown into a stunning young lady (takes after her mother) and is getting married in Suffolk. I have bought a beautiful dress to wear, but may well have to go to Cambridge or Norwich for accessories, you can't buy anything exciting here in King's Lynn!

Going straight out birding tomorrow afternoon in the rain and north easterly winds to find and see some RARES, so excited! Lots of talk on Twitter and Facebook from birders about the possible fall of birds on the East Coast tomorrow – here's hoping!

Titchwell RSPB's Dave Hawkins writes on Birdforum "Hoping for some action tomorrow. Fine clear weather this evening over Scandinavia with SE airflow. N & NE airflow overnight in our bit of North sea with rain from dawn. Fingers crossed!"

One of my favourites tunes 'HOLIDAY' Dizzie Rascal

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