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Sunday 17 November 2013

More Parrot Crossbills!

Arrived at Holt at just after 8am. Parked the car by the Edgefield sign and spent an hour and a half searching Holt Lowes for Parrot Crossbills. I didn't see any birds of note at all. The only unwanted excitement was an alsatian bounding about all over the place and barking, which really unnerved me – I spent most of my time trying to avoid this dog! I was hoping that I might be really lucky and see some crossbills drinking from the pond. Bumped into one other birder who had also found nothing. Almost back to the car and the pager bleeped up with Parrot Crossbills at Holt Country Park and then another message with them being in the clearing opposite my car.

Made my way to the clearing, but I only saw Common Crossbills here – the 'Parrots' had flown further back into the pine copse when I arrived on the scene.

Joined the crowds to watch 6 Parrot Crossbills at the top of a pine, along the path that runs alongside the road in Holt Country Park. The light was dire for photography and I didn't obtain any decent shots at all. But even with the poor light I had fantastic views of these monster billed birds! Sadly though I left at the wrong time – I was told later that 5 minutes after I left, the Parrot Crossbills had flown through into the carpark and were on a lower pine and in better light.

Went to Cley briefly – saw a Stonechat from the West Bank (Beach Road) and then went to search for passerines in Stiffkey Campsite Wood and Garden Drove, Warham Greens – apart from two blackbirds found nothing at all of note.

Please note R.M's comments on the crossbills HERE


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