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Saturday 5 April 2014

East Coast Birding!

Rabbit in garden at Beeston Bump, Sheringham

Written very quickly in note form as very tired! I didn't go out until the afternoon. Wanted to see the Baikal Teal, but there was a 'no news' message from RBA..... until later when it relocated to the Ouse Washes! Congratulations and thanks to the birder who re-found it this afternoon!

Beeston Bump, Sheringham
Chiffchaff, 2 Robins, Blackbirds, Greenfinches. Catch up with Giles Dunmore who had seen a Ring Ouzel here this morning.

Sheringham Cemetery
House Sparrows, Jackdaws, Carrion Crow and 2 Common Buzzards cruising distantly over Sheringham Park. Had a nice chat with a man working there about the increasing number of dogs everywhere.

Cley Churchyard
Mistlethrush, Goldfinches, no sign of the recent Black Redstart. Stood for a moment by RAR's headstone.

Cley Coastguards
1 Wheater, 1 Golden Plover, a few Lapwings, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits on the Eye Field. With the payhut back in place and the tractors and boats back on the shingle, its almost looking back to normal since the storm surge!
The new Walsey Hills NOA Information Board.

My photographs on the new Walsey Hills NOA Information Board.

Walsey Hills NOA
New information board up, which includes two of my pictures: Rosefinch and Red-backed Shrike – chuffed! Chiffchaff and Cetti's Warbler singing, 2 Great Tits, Chaffinches, not alot else.

Daukes Hide, Cley NWT
With part of the usual Saturday night crew, Eddie, Andy J., Pete and I, we saw Avocets, Teal, Shelducks, Redshanks, Greylags etc on the pools, also 3 Hares. Bonuses were two Little-ringed Plovers, 4 Sandwich Terns flying along the shingle and my first Swallow this spring! Thanks to Andy for pointing out the Swallow and the Sandwich Terns.

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