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Saturday 12 July 2014

Cley Birding!

Spent the afternoon at Cley. Arrived at Coastguards to a very busy carpark and lots of people sunbathing and posing! It was boiling hot, sticky weather and it felt thundery – there was mist rising off the pools, which looked unusual during the day in full sunshine! Walked to North Hide (that was) where there is now a new screen which looks very smart....... but the viewing slits are not suitable for most heights! I had to kneel to look through the lowest, the second one was shorter than me and the third is for someone way over 6ft! 2 Spoonbills on Billy's Wash, a nice Ruff, Cormorants, Avocets, 2 Marsh Harriers etc. Sandwich Terns flying along the sea. Plodded back to the carpark in the heat.

Walsey Hills NOA produced a Common Lizard, lots of butterflies including Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Peacock and Speckled Wood, male and female blackcap, goldfinches and chaffinches. Plenty of banter with Warden David B, John F. and Eddie M. (who by the way has a shiny new car!). Also lots of 'Silver Y' moths along the top path and an interesting fly that looked like a bee, which I managed to get on the iphone with my new Olloclip macro attachments!

Sat having my tea in the carpark at the bottom of Old Women's Lane and then walked to Dauke's Hide NWT, where I spent the rest of the evening. Good selection of birds seen: 2 Spoonbills, 2 Yellow-legged Gulls, lots of Black-headed Gulls, Lesser black-backed gulls, 2 Grey Herons, Little Egrets, Avocets, several Ruff in various plumage. Also Barn Owl and 2 Marsh Harriers. Reed Warblers singing on the way back.


As I am sure some of you have noticed, I have got a little behind with photos again recently – all posts will be updated with pictures by the end of this week!

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