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Tuesday 16 September 2014

Happy 50th Birthday Pete!

Pete watching the Yellow-browed Warbler at Salthouse.

Pete Snook is 50 Today!!!

He doesn't look 50 at all, more like late thirties – just to make you smile Pete! Meeting up with Pete and his friend Graham today for birthday lunch and birding. Looking forward to spending some time with them – both them are very sharp birders, so hopefully we will see and find some good birds. Little bit of history for those you who don't know who I am talking about – Pete is from Leicestershire and spent many years travelling to Norfolk to go birding, along with his friends Graham and Glyn and in the end decided he wanted to move here permanently, which he now does. Pete was volunteer warden at Walsey Hills NOA for quite a while, but now has a full time job elsewhere. I can't remember what year it was now, but I went on holiday with Pete, Graham and Glynn to Lesvos on a fantastic birding holiday, which I will never forget and was crying with laughter for much of the holiday as the three of them together are so entertaining. I will have to try and dig out some photos from that. Anyway Happy Birthday Pete and hope you see some good birds today – a Mega would be good please!
Pete at Salthouse.

Graham, Pete and Penny at Salthouse.
Best selfie from a load of dodgy ones!

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