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Saturday, 17 January 2015

Titchwell RSPB!

No snow here in King's Lynn today, the sun was out, but it was cold enough to freeze your hair! It snowed for a while in Cley this morning, so Eddie told me, but hadn't laid. I had jobs and things to sort this morning, so didn't get out birding until the afternoon.

On route to Titchwell I had fabulously close views of a Common Buzzard perched in the hedge, next to the roadside on the minor road to Choseley Drying Barns. I slowed down, but as soon as I stopped the car, the buzzard flew off – so there was no chance of opening the door to sneak out and get the camera out of the boot! Isn't it annoying when that happens – I usually have the camera sitting on the seat at the ready!

It was so cold, I didn't want to get out of the car at Titchwell – sat and had my vege sausage sandwich and a coffee before I ventured out. I always wear mittens when its seriously cold, but even they didn't keep my hands warm today. I didn't actually get very far at Titchwell, in fact I was pretty lazy! There had been (note I say 'had been') a Woodcock showing from the path in the usual undergrowth between the car park and visitor centre, but it wasn't showing when I and a few other people looked. We were all rewarded with wonderful views of a Chiffchaff close by though and the usual Robins.

Chaffinches, greenfinches etc were on the feeders and Moorhens feeding below, at the beginning of the Fen Trail. Bumped into and had a brief catchup with Warden Paul Eele, which was nice. A Barn Owl was hunting just beyond the Fen Hide and a Song Thrush, Blackbirds, Moorhens and Pheasants were feeding along the path adjacent to the field, just outside the reserve boundary. I walked the East Trail past Patsy's Pool and was excited to see that a new pool has been dug out, just south of Patsy's Pool and to the left of the path – there weren't any birds on here, but it potentially looks like a fabulous addition to this area of the reserve.

I waited and waited for harriers to appear. I nearly gave up it was so cold and started to walk back, but then returned when I saw them fly in. One Ring-tail Hen Harrier put on a massive display along with at least 5 Marsh Harriers. Hundreds of Brent Geese flew north over the reserve and landed on the main pools, but then later all headed south again over my head towards inland fields. It was dark when I arrived back at the car.

Visited Tescos, Sainsburys and Redwells in Hunstanton to get various shopping for my mother and then spent the evening with my parents. Father is STILL in those bl**dy shorts with blankets wrapped round his legs!!! The house was cold, so I kept my coat on. Mother won't wear thermals, she 'doesn't want nylon against her skin'. I explained that thermals do not feel hot and itchy in this weather! She always wears a cotton teashirt next to her skin throughout the winter and wonders why she is cold – why do my parents have to be sooooo different to everyone else – feels like that anyway. Was sent home with two of the three pairs of trousers that I got for father for M&S to return to the shop – mother and I left one pair, just in case a miracle happens and he actually puts them on! Got home at 9.30pm. I should got have got straight on with ironing uniforms for tomorrow, but fell asleep on the sofa until Vivien rang me for a chat.

Ahhhh...... just remembered, my cafepress Sigg Bottle that I designed recently arrived this morning, but it was printed incorrectly, so they have to send another one out. Slightly annoying as the print quality is crystal, but the Sigg logo was printed over my Parrot Crossbill picture and not underneath as it should be – see here.

Update – Sunday
The Customer Service from Cafe Press is excellent. I received an email today to say that they will send out a replacement right away and to keep the current bottle as their way of an apology. So I will have two bottles for the price of one – even though the design isn't quite right – bargain!


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