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Tuesday 20 October 2015

Another Trying Day!

Father was loads calmer this morning and was talking to me normally. He was sturned out of bed today for the first time and sat in the bedside chair for most of the day. It was the first time he ate a significant amount of food today, although that wasn't very much to be honest, but was a good start. By the afternoon when Lucy came to vist, he looked exhausted and nodded in agreement when I asked him if he wanted to get back to bed, when I finished work.

I took Lucy home, then whizzed home, changed uniform and returned to the hospital to assist Father with his tea, but he refused the main course and I won't say what he said the rice pudding tasted like!!! But he did eat 3/4 of a mashed banana and had 4 large chocolate buttons. He became very, very tearful and upset after that, which in turn distressed me. All he wants to do is go home, hopefully he will be soon. I left at about 8pm.

Went to Tescos as I desperately needed some basic food items. Went home and fell asleep. Didn't cook dinner, snacked which is not good at all. Edited pictures and added loads to my blog, scroll down to view!

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