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Wednesday 4 November 2015

Excitement At Burnham Overy Dunes & Gun Hill!

Raining and dull as ditch water ALL day. Jobs in the morning and then out to find that very elusive mega in the afternoon.

Headed to Burnham Overy Dunes again. Short-eared Owl sitting in the hedge in almost the same spot as before, just east of the track after the stile! The track to the sea wall was extremely muddy.

In the bushes at the end of the track I found a very elusive Chiffchaff in the apple tree, which I only got a couple of glimpses of before it dived deep for cover, along with a Hedgesparrow, one Robin and a Blackbird. Headed west to Gun Hill.

At Gun Hill I found nothing at all, until I walked towards the bushes immediately seaward side of the hill. Suddenly I spotted something colourful moving around on the sand underneath a rosehip spray. Heart beating, I lifted my bins to see an rusty orange breast – the bird then flicked up to perch on the bush, revealing itself as a female Stonechat! So, ok it wasn't a mega, but still nice to see and unexpected. Thinking about it, I can't ever remember seeing a Stonechat in these bushes before. Also saw a Wren here, sneaking around the lower branches of the almost bare elder bush.

Finding the Stonechat heightened my senses and I searched hard for another good bird. I walked back across the top of the dunes, pishing bushes on route. Found some cracking earth stars, but no other birds revealed themselves sadly. Walked back in the dusk, rain and gloom to my car.

Visited my parents briefly to deliver a new lamp for Mother and a couple of items from Burnham Deepdale garage shop. 'Careline' has been installed in their house today, mainly for Mother's use – which will give me some peace of mind, that is if she wears the call bell! Father looked a better colour today and had slept right through the night, without attempting to get out of bed!

Back to work tomorrow. Roll on the weekend!


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