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Thursday 21 January 2016

Evening at Holme!

When I finished work, I popped into town to buy some things for Mother and then returned home, changed and whizzed over to Holme to surprise my parents. All was calm in the Clarke household on my arrival and father was quiet from having his sleeping tablet last night. The large rat in the loft was far from quiet!!! Well, I presume it was a big fat rat, it sounded like the size of dog to me, clomping around in hob nail boots above the bathroom ceiling! This was stressing Mother out to the max and she was banging the ceiling in the bathroom with a broom handle to frighten it off, which did make me smile – as if that would make the slightest bit of difference!

I trimmed and manicured Father's nails and chatted to him for a while – I think I confused him a little as I don't normally visit in the evenings on week days, but felt I needed to go over to support them after the other night's ordeal. I unpacked the new bed rail out of its box and assembled it and Mother and I tested it out on the bed – seems to work quite well. Delivered some food items in addition to today's on-line shop and also the EDP and The Times – isn't it ridiculous that you can't order newspapers on-line – well actually I lie, you can with Tescos, but not with Sainsbury's who Mother orders her shopping with. Mother loves to read the papers, but can only have them when I deliver them. Gone are the days of having three shops in the village and delivery vans. I can remember a fish van, bread van, butcher and newspapers being delivered in Holme – or you could walk to the shop to get a newspaper. Now, you have to drive to Old Hunstanton shop, or Thornham Deli to buy a newspaper which is no good if you are elderly with no car!

Father said the sweetest thing to me just as I was leaving. He said "have you got anyone to go home to?" "No", I replied.... "I havn't" "Will I do?" he said!!! "Ahhhhhh.... how sweet, if only I could, but my house is not safe for you to live in and I have to go to work" I replied. "That would be nice" he said in a sad voice! I could have cried when he said that – if only I was in a position to care for him myself full time, I would.

I drove home via Ringstead in hope of seeing owls on route, but all I saw were stars! I don't know where the week has disappeared to – its Friday again tomorrow! Anyone of a certain age will remember "Its Friday. It's Five O-Clock and it's CRACKERJACK!" Goodnight.

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